The way out is the way through.

Circumstances make man, not man circumstances.

In the mind there is no absolute or free will.

Perhaps to restore human freedom we should deny determinism ?

In one sense I feel that my book is a one-woman argument against determinism.

Contingency is a thing unto itself, not the titration of determinism by randomness.

Almost always, genes are about potentials and vulnerabilities rather than about determinism.

The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism.

No one has ever announced that because determinism is true thermostats do not control temperature.

Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.

The world changed from having the determinism of a clock to having the contingency of a pinball machine.

Science admits no exceptions; otherwise there would be no determinism in science, or rather, there would be no science.

Too often we shape our public positions on the basis of our economic connections. That brings us dangerously close to economic determinism.

It is impossible to trap modern physics into predicting anything with perfect determinism because it deals with probabilities from the outset.

The idea of determinism combined with complete human responsibility struck me as very hard to reconcile with an idea of justice, let alone mercy.

Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will.

To those of us who remained committed mainly to the exploration of moral distinctions and ambiguities, the feminist analysis may have seemed a particularly narrow and cracked determinism.

A profound political question is suddenly on the table: Must the country continue to give precedence to private financial gain and market determinism over human lives and broad public values?

I find it significant that, even though contemporary philosophy tends towards forms of determinism, in the wider culture people are deeply into naming, shaming and blaming each other. So we haven't lost that sense of conscience.

I don't believe in technological determinism, especially not in biology and medicine. We have strong laws to keep doctors from monkeying around with humans that will remain in place. It's simply not true that everything that is technologically possible gets done.

Many of us think in terms in parental determinism: 'If I push all the right buttons my kids are going to turn out OK.' I want to instill in myself and my people a wonderful dose, not of carelessness, but of God's sovereignty. He knows the hairs on your kids' heads.

Keynesianism, if you add its flexible, muscular form during the Depression to its more rigid postwar version, lasted forty-five years. Our own Globalization, with its technocratic and technological determinism and market idolatry, had thirty years. And now it, too, is dead.

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