Gaiety is a quality of ordinary men. Genius always presupposes some ...

Gaiety is a quality of ordinary men. Genius always presupposes some disorder in the machine.

Golf is a mental disorder.

I had an attachment disorder.

I came, I saw, I was confused.

Battle is an orgy of disorder.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Love is a severe mental disorder.

There is no disorder but the heart's.

Fame made me develop a panic disorder.

Autism is an extremely variable disorder.

The order I found was the order of disorder

Do you have a multiple personality disorder?

Every person in therapy has a love disorder.

In the denial of that disorder there is order.

disorder is the slowest worker in the universe.

The present order is the disorder of the future.

Shooting a movie isn't good for a sleep disorder.

Now equilibrium is the very opposite of disorder.

There are follies as catching as contagious disorders.

I hate religion. I think it's a neurological disorder.

But woman brings disorder into society through passion.

The human heart likes a little disorder in its geometry.

As for the "proper way:" it is the beginning of disorder.

The greatest disorder of the mind is to let will direct it.

matrimony is a very dangerous disorder; I had rather drink.

The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder.

I probably suffered from a narcissistic disorder in some way.

I think I do find humor in disorder, and reality is disorder.

It is like our foreign policy has attention deficit disorder.

People with bipolar disorder have difficulty with boundaries.

Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

In the entirety of my life, I have never had an eating disorder.

There's a certain amount of disorder that has to be reorganized.

My goal in life is to have a psychiatric disorder named after me.

Disorder makes me feel at ease if I'm alone, embarrassed if I'm not.

You don't have to have an eating disorder to be happy or successful.

Food compulsion isn't a character disorder; it's a chemical disorder.

When God is made the master of a family, he disorders the disorderly.

Discontent and disorder were signs of energy and hope, not of despair.

Bill Maher thinks 95 percent of the world has a neurological disorder.

Perfectly ordered disorder designed with a helter-skelter magnificence.

There is great disorder in the heavens, and the situation is excellent.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured through counselling.

The Iliad is the private lives of people thrown into disorder by history.

Extreme liberalism is not a political philosophy. It is a mental disorder.

Of all the disorders in the soul, envy is the only one no one confesses to.

People who fear disorder more than injustice will only produce more of both.

If disorder is the rule with you, you will be penalized for installing order.

The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder.

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