No one should ever be disrespected.

I am not somebody who is okay with being disrespected.

Nothing motivates an 18-year-old like being disrespected.

I dedicated myself to the game and never disrespected it.

If I feel like you've disrespected me, you might as well just be dead to me.

I used to cry myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered at and disrespected me.

I don't think anything should limit me. I don't think any industry should be disrespected or looked down upon.

For too long, I have been overlooked. For too long, I have been disrespected. For too long, I had been too good.

Real men know how to move as real men. Real men won't allow themselves to be disrespected. Real men aren't punks.

The thing with me is if I feel disrespected I won't hesitate to fight. But it takes a lot to make me feel disrespected.

I see my books as a body of work, in my opinion, of singular importance and deeply disrespected in a way that is savagely unfair.

The golden thread of reason that used to be stretched taut to mark the boundary between the known and the unknown is now routinely disrespected.

Our Nation's immigration laws are disrespected both by those who cross our borders illegally and by the businesses that hire those illegal immigrants.

I was a cleaner while at university. The job wasn't bad, but I was amazed by how badly cleaners are treated - how disrespected they are by the people they work for.

You're always going to feel disrespected because you're getting traded. Evidently, you ain't doing something right or you ain't getting it done or they don't believe in you.

Sonnen doesn't know martial arts. He's a wrestler; he doesn't know how to respect people. Some say he's promoting the fight, but he disrespected my country, my family and fans.

'Hindu terrorism' is not even a word. By linking Hindu with terrorism, Congress has disrespected the country's culture, tradition, and legacy. It should apologise to the nation.

If a boy messes up, you walk away. If a boy isn't treating you right, you walk away. It sounds simpler than it is, but you can't allow yourself to be disrespected. You have to be a strong girl.

One of the things I love about Africa is the amount of dignity and respect and humility you see all the time. You don't realise how often you're disrespected until you are surrounded by respect.

As West Indians we have always been disrespected. As soon as we fight back they make it look like we are the bad one in the media. We've experienced these things over the years. So it's no surprise.

Teachers are expendable, overworked, underpaid, and many times disrespected by students, parents and higher-ups. Nonetheless, these teachers still show up because there are some who are teachers indeed.

I feel like I've been very underrated and very kind of disrespected so far in my career. I just take the same approach every time out: try to go out there and dominate and be the best player on the court.

The need to be right can arise from a fear of being disrespected. Or it may come out of the fear of being seen as we really are: as flawed human beings who are perfectly imperfect and full of contradictions and confusions.

People say, 'Gee, you don't really do political music.' Well, I sing a lot of songs about how men and women and lovers treat each other, and none of us want to be talked down to or belittled or ignored or disrespected... So I'm proud to be a feminist.

I play with a chip on my shoulder always, I feel like people don't always give me credit for my skills and talents and that's just the way it is. I also don't care too much, I don't feel like I'm crazy disrespected. I have a chip on my shoulder at all times.

When I left school - or, rather, when I was expelled from school for hitting a kid who had disrespected a teacher - I had nothing, with nowhere to go. Where I'm from, it really means that. Now my family are millionaires. I never dreamed this would be possible.

I used to be offended when people would compare me to Erykah Badu. Because I'm black, thick, and have large lips? There's nothing similar about us whatsoever, and I felt very disrespected by the fact that people needed to pigeonhole me. I wasn't even raised on Erykah Badu!

I couldn't wait to be an adult woman, and I'm glad I felt that way as a kid because, when I grew up, I realised I live in a world where the female form is really disrespected, and society is often trying to wrestle the female form into a shape that looks more like a young boy.

I grew up in the '50s, a tough time for African Americans. I had friends whose fathers would openly say, 'Just bite your tongu;, don't cause any problems.' My father was not like that. Even in the toughest times racially, if somebody disrespected his family, they were in trouble.

Leading up to this fight Julian Williams talked, and I held it in. I did what I had to do to become the champion of the world and I deserve my respect. He disrespected me all the way up to the fight. I said I don't want your congratulations, I want your apology. I don't care what they say, I knocked him out.

We need to play like somebody took our lunch money, like somebody disrespected your mother. I think that's the type of anger you need have and the aggression you need to have on the court. That doesn't mean making mad faces or mean faces but it means attacking the glass, strongly attacking the rim when you have the ball on offense.

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