The US dollar will make new lows

I live in a 9 million dollar turd.

A dollar saved is a quarter earned.

I run a multi billion dollar company

Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you.

Analogue dollars for digital pennies.

When I was born I owed twelve dollars.

In this nation, leadership is dollars.

All about a dollar like four quarters.

I'd give dollar for indefinite article.

Benadryl - the seven-dollar babysitter.

People are trading distance for dollars.

A billion dollars isnt what it used to be.

Life shouldn't be printed on dollar bills.

I would put my million dollars up as well.

I think that I know the value of a dollar.

Information wants you to give me a dollar.

A million dollars isn't what it used to be.

I'd give a hundred dollars for a cold beer.

No one can earn a million dollars honestly.

I do appreciate every single dollar I earn.

A billion dollars isn't what it used to be.

In love, 100 pennies do not equal a dollar.

More traffic means more advertising dollars.

If I had one dollar left, I'd spend it on PR

I don't want a trillion-dollar empire to run.

All this is, is a nine hundred dollar hammer.

All we try to do is buy a dollar for 40 cents.

I'm blessed to have these billions of dollars.

I wouldn't eat a hamburger for 40,000 dollars.

I've won over 50 million dollars playing poker.

I prefer to give a dollar to a thousand people.

My first year on 'SNL', I made $90,000 dollars.

I pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.

The US dollar is our currency but your problem.

The good news is dollars don't vote, people do.

To an artist a metaphor is as real as a dollar.

The dollar is the reserve currency of the world.

I took a hundred dollars from a blindman's hand.

You are worth about 3 dollars worth in chemicals.

I bought a million lottery tickets. I won a dollar.

I want to see us add more dollars to the classroom.

For ten thousand dollars, I'd endorse an opium pipe.

Billions of dollars are thrown at African countries.

Not even for a million dollars would I paint a tree.

I dumb down for my audience and double my dollars...

I'd bet a million dollars on DOOM against Lil' Wayne

Now I can make a thousand dollars a night at a club.

We reckon hours and minutes to be dollars and cents.

The camera adds ten pounds and ten thousand dollars.

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