You'll never know how close you are to a million-dollar idea unless you're willing to listen.

Every dollar that the boss did not work for, one of us worked for a dollar and didn't get it.

My glass is not only half-full, it holds five-hundred-dollar-a-bottle Dom Perignon champagne.

If one man has a dollar he didn't work for, some other man worked for a dollar he didn't get.

A respected health economist said that these plans would cost a trillion dollars more a year.

If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.

We Americans worship the almighty dollar! Well, it is a worthier god than Heredity Privilege.

Did you know David Letterman was offered millions of dollars to do a commercial for dog food?

Psychiatrist are like mind hookers. Give them 200 dollars and they just screw with your head.

The Word of God has a supernatural edge with which a million-dollar budget can never compete.

I love thrift shopping. You can get ten things because everything costs, like, three dollars.

[Congress] and their cronies secure more than one hundred billion dollars in corporate welfare

We've spent more than 200 million dollars of taxpayer dollars to protect the Liverpool Plains.

Most business problems can be solved if you can teach yourself to look beyond the dollar sign.

The first thing you need to run for President is a budget of around $20 million dollars a day.

The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization.

No hungry man who is also sober can be persuaded to use his last dollar for anything but food.

The first thing you need to run for President is a budget of around $20 million dollars a day.

9:00: I don't know what I want. I just point at the Dollar Menu and say, 'Give me all of that.

You spend a couple million dollars running for Congress, people get tired of seeing your face.

At Christmas you can get real bargains. I saw one item marked down ten dollars. It was a yacht.

You're talking serious money already in the bank, and millions of dollars coming in every year.

I get so tired listening to one million dollars here, one million dollars there, it's so petty.

The greatest threat to our national security is our debt. We borrow a million dollars a minute.

A million dollars in the presidential election is a spit in the ocean. It's not a lot of money.

The interests of the corporation state are to convert all the riches of the earth into dollars.

The most impactful dollars that Australia can spend are actually what goes to help the poorest.

Your dollar cheeseburger isn't a dollar if you factor in what it's going to cost in health care.

What's at the end of a million dollars? Zero, zero, zero... nothing. A circle with a hole in it.

But 17 years ago, I arrived at CNN with a suitcase, with my bicycle, and with about 100 dollars.

The only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks is if there's a 300 dollar hooker sitting in it.

Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it.

There's a certain part of the contented majority who love anybody who is worth a billion dollars.

Ive always considered the government taking one out of every two dollars I earn absolute tyranny.

Experience has proved to us that a dollar of silver disappears for every dollar of paper emitted.

The history of media is the market share of advertising dollars has followed.. albeit with a lag.

You should command and demand the tenfold leverage on your dollars when you give it away as well.

When we're talking about a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, "trust me" just isn't good enough.

Gosh, all a kid has to do these days is spit straight and he gets forty-thousand dollars to sign.

If John Kerry had a dollar for every time he bragged about serving in Vietnam - oh wait, he does.

Half a million dollars just to upgrade the car show I aint even detonate the bombs in the arsenal

There's a need to reform Medicare, but not a need to cut a half trillion dollars out of Medicare.

President Johnson had a habit of throwing dollars at a question and the question would disappear.

There ain't many troubles that a man caint fix With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six.

If liberals want to send tens of millions of dollars down the drain, I have no problem with that.

A charity dollar has only one life; a Social Business dollar can be invested over and over again.

I don't need anything as long as I have my family, friends, millions of dollars, unlimited pussy.

Title I dollars are well spent. They are really making a difference in the education of students.

More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.

I spend thousands of dollars on lawyers every day just to make sure that I'm not gonna go to jail.

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