I can tell you every element of every single look from each collection - one to 30 - without looking at a picture: my label is all done by me.

My James Bond wasn't any different to my Saint or my Persuaders or anything else I've done. I've just made everything that I play look like me and sound like me.

If you look at any 15 pieces of mine, nobody does a piece like them. Totally new techniques. All the jugglers are stealing from me and claiming that they've done it.

I cannot watch my own dailies, ever. I'm my worst critic. It distracts me. I can watch it when it's done, but I'm not the girl that wants to run back and look at the performance.

I look a little bit like Barbie and talk a little bit like Ken. It's easier for me to sit in the middle of the boys' club than to be surrounded by people concerned about getting their hair and nails done.

And it seems to me correct then, and I think it's correct now, that job one is get the planning done, make sure the buses are there. When that's done, it's completely appropriate to go around and tour around and look at the damage.

Look, you're not going to get me to say that Democrats don't make mistakes. We do. I mentioned two areas - pension reform and seniority and tenure. I've done both - I've advocated for both. I've advocated for - seek for reform as well.

I was, like, talking to these kids, and I look up, and there was, like, 25 cameras around me. And I ran. I ran away. I, like, straight up ran away, and I was so scared, and then, like, it happened, and after I was done, it kinda sunk in.

Self-esteem is something I still battle. People look at me and say, 'You've got fame. You've got admiration. You've done this; you've done that.' As far as I'm concerned, I haven't done anything. I've just fulfilled a dream of competing.

One of the things people think about me is that I don't do deadlines. But if you look at all the books I've ever done, they're all sequential every month. There might have been glitches along the way. But almost all of my books appeared sequentially.

A lot of guys are going to say, 'Look, if it meant me getting a Super Bowl ring, I'd run right over the top of my brother.' And I would have. But once it was said and done, I would have been very disappointed that I had to get the ring at my brother's expense.

If you do anything with the Cowboys, there's an interest in it. And there are people who constantly want to write books about our teams in the '90s. They want to interview me. I say, 'Look, I've done it a million times. I'm just not interested. What's left to tell?'

A. L. Vijay asked if I could dance, and I just said yes. I didn't tell him the only dancing I had done was on nights out in Liverpool. He said he would arrange workshops and help me with the scripts and the language. He liked the fact that I was English but had an Indian look.

The thing that drives me nuts is when I get stopped in a crowded place, and they look at me and say, 'Who are you?' I don't know if they're friends or fans, and I say, 'I'm Annabella Sciorra', and they say, 'What have you done?' So I start to give them my resume. It's so embarrassing.

I think when you have kids, it definitely makes you look at things from a different perspective, but I think that the biggest thing it's done is it's made me look at things from a different perspective from a professional standpoint in how you analyze things and how you look at things and how you react to things.

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