Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Allah's plan is better than your dreams.

Your aspirations are your possibilities.

Regrets are as personal as fingerprints.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream.

I really have the American dream licked.

You have to leave room in life to dream.

Talk about a dream, try to make it real.

I do what many dream of, all their lives

Hope is but the dream of those who wake.

Remember your dreams and fight for them.

Don't let weeds grow around your dreams.

I want to score 50 goals. It's my dream.

If everything is a dream, don't wake me.

Even in dreams doing good is not wasted.

You have been the last dream of my soul.

I don't design clothes, I design dreams.

You have to dream dreams to live dreams.

Dreams are manifestations of identities.

Dreams don't come true. Plans come true!

God wills, man dreams, the work is born.

I lived in a kind of dream of communism.

He hath awakened from the dream of life.

I am the dream and the hope of the slave

If you knew all the dreams I've dreamed!

You are, and always have been, my dream.

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!

I preferred that my bad dreams be vague.

I have never been disabled in my dreams.

Dreams weigh nothing. - Marie Antoinette

One person's dream is another's reality.

Follow your dreams, transform your life.

The best revenge is the massive success.

Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams

If you can dream it, you can make it so.

Genius is an African who dreams up snow.

The American dream belongs to all of us.

Choose in ways that support your dreams.

Dreams show you that you have the power.

Dreams don't come true. Dreams are true.

Dreams seem to have a will of their own.

It may be those who do most, dream most.

It's never too late to act on your dream

The more you dream the more you achieve.

Broadway has always been a dream of mine.

Every kid's dream is to be a great actor.

Fences are made for those who cannot fly.

Sweet dreams though the guns are booming.

Dreams are the guiding words of the Soul.

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