Reality's what other people dream for you.

Death is one dream out of another flowing.

A dream is just a nightmare with lipstick.

My dreams are of water. And my nightmares.

a dream can be the highest point of a life

Could you defeat a cloud, a dream, a poem?

We wake from one dream into another dream.

...Dream big, reach further, climb higher.

Simple dreams are the hardest to come true

Trust your passion. Believe in your dream.

Always time to dream, so keep on dreaming!

I’ll see you in your dreams, okay, stupid?

Don't be afraid to fail big, to dream big.

A lot of movies are made to make us dream.

The dreamers are the saviors of the world.

Some stories are true that never happened.

Get some sleep and dream of rock and roll.

Dreams have as much influences as actions.

You have the power to fulfill your dreams!

Don't dream your life, but live your dream

People who eat white bread have no dreams.

The man who never dreams, goes slowly mad.

I was dreaming I was on the Sullivan Show.

When you cease to dream you cease to live.

A dream ignored is like a letter unopened.

A change came o'er the spirit of my dream.

No reality has the power to dispel a dream.

What happened to a dream without a dreamer?

Today you live, child. Tomorrow, you dream.

The dreams are the skeleton of all reality.

Dream big, dare greatly and shine brightly.

Any dream is possible, if you have courage.

It's every girl's dream to be a cover girl!

Dreams last so long, even after you're gone

We have every right to dream heroic dreams.

You always have to dream big and think big.

To live with angels and chase their dreams.

A runner must run with dreams in his heart.

A truly poetic canvas is an awakened dream.

Mountains make poor receptacles for dreams.

It is your duty in life to save your dream.

One is not old until Dreams become Regrets.

I dream of eagles and bring forth sparrows.

For even in dreams a good deed is not lost.

London is like a cold dark dream sometimes.

You eat, in dreams, the custard of the day.

Riches have wings, and grandeur is a dream.

It was a silly, silly dream, being unhappy.

Forsake all inhibitions, Pursue thy dreams.

Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.

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