Everybody's talkin' about me, I don't hear a word they're saying, only echoes on my mind.

Like we were connected, the echo of his pain twisted inside inside me. his pain, my pain.

My heart beats, echoes into the cold streets where nightmares and darkness begin to meet.

I'm hearing echoes of Bill Clinton, circa 1996, in President Obama's reelection rhetoric.

What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.

Don't try to write anything you can't feel - it will be a failure - 'echoes nothing worth

Fame is that which is known to exist by the echo of its footsteps through congenial minds.

Familial love can find an echo in our own hearts just as it did in that of Charles Dickens.

And where there is no Echo there is no description of space or love. There is only silence.

Stop congregating in the valley just because an echo sounds good when it agrees with itself.

Outside the arch, always there seemed another arch. And beyond the remotest echo, a silence.

I want the shuffles and echoes, and a certain mysteriousness... It's so bloody hard to paint.

The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.

A thinking partner who isn't an echo chamber... How many of us dare to have such collaborators?

Poetry is a tracing of the trajectories of a finite sound to the infinite points of its echoes.

Too many individuals are like Shakespeare's definition of "echo,"--babbling gossips of the air.

I feel the need to scream, and even if the scream is not answered, I find my sanity in the echo.

Man for all his genius is but an echo of the original Voice, a reflection of the uncreated Light.

We say peace and the echo comes back from the other side, war. We dont want wars even when we win.

A word into the silence thrown always finds its echo somewhere where silence opens hidden lexicons.

Till the Future dares Forget the Past, his fate and fame shall be An echo and a light unto eternity!

Don't stop, echoes the older Liberian lady's voice. Don't ever stop. My answer to her: I never will.

He loved her, as you can only love someone who is an echo of yourself at your time of deepest sorrow.

Every time you opt in to kindness Make one connection, used to divide us It echoes all over the world

Talking with a Martian is like talking with an echo. You don't get argument but you don't get results.

It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London coffee-house for the voice of the kingdom.

At the top of your lungs, shout and listen to the echoes. You must live life at the top of your voice!

Are my words ever actually audible, or do they just echo in my head while people stare at me, waiting?

I was screaming into the canyon at the moment of my death; the echo I created outlasted my last breath.

...the sound of our lack of conversation amplified by the echo of our footsteps on the stone around us.

Nature is an aeolian harp, a musical instrument whose tones are the re-echo of higher strings within us.

Together we have sent a message that will echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California.

Winning wasn't natural for me. It had to be fought for, in the echoes and trodden footprints of my mind.

Later in the evening when you lie awake in bed with the echoes from the amplifiers ringing in your head.

We can't find the truth listening to our own voice's echo. We can find ourselves only in someone's mirror

Somehow, bad news, however ridden with static, however filled with echoes, always manages to be conveyed.

That little burning bush that is the signature of the blog - it echoes Elizabeth Barrett Browning's words.

WHEN YOU BOW deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you.

Certain artists have a role to echo the echoes of the people and that's what I'll be doing on my next album.

If you tell a woman she is beautiful, whisper it softly, for if the devil hears, he will echo it many times.

Every loss recapitulates earlier losses, but every affirmation of identity echoes earlier moments of clarity.

Everything that is printed and bound in a book contains some echo at least of the best that is in literature.

I want to re-echo my hope that we may all work together for a great peace as distinguished from a mean peace.

We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee; we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee.

Even if I'm to be tortured, to be mistreated, to be humiliated, Echo doesn't have a right to fight against it.

I do believe in ghosts, or at least in some kind of persistent spiritual echoes of the past in certain places.

Culture is always the echo of economic realities; that's what Marx teaches. Feminism is a clear example of that.

What is Freedom? ye can tell That which slavery is, too well For its very name has grown To an echo of your own.

Where we find echoes, we generally find emptiness and hollowness; it is the contrary with the echoes of the heart.

Videogames are indeed design: They're sophisticated virtual machines that echo the mechanical systems inside cars.

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