Writing and thinking is not economically sustainable.

Communism is a monopolistic system, economically and politically.

Iranians have suffered economically under the U.S.-led sanctions.

The European Union is becoming more economically feeble every year.

Economically considered, war and revolution are always bad business.

When it becomes economically possible, building will become montage.

I also try to think of ways to articulate the joke more economically.

Northern Iraq has become, economically, a natural extension of Turkey.

I can inspire people on how to use money, how to get economically powerful.

The death tax is unfair, inefficient, economically unsound and, frankly, immoral.

Electricity can transform people's lives, not just economically but also socially.

Economically, it's more expensive to make movies. I hope digital movies change that.

Taiwan has been so well developed economically. But we are underdeveloped culturally.

The female of the genus homo is economically dependent on the male. He is her food supply.

We have seen what the dependence and addiction to foreign oil has done to us economically.

It is simply economically impossible to require controls that even approach zero emissions.

Devout Anatolian masses rising from poverty have transformed Turkey politically and economically.

We cannot, as a country, improve economically, socially, and culturally without quality education.

War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures.

For the European Union, Russia is as important politically and economically as China is to the U.S.

Categorizing people economically and hating them because you think they're this way is a prejudice.

Growing up, I dreamt of being economically independent because I always believed women should be so.

We need to invest in our crumbling infrastructure to create jobs and remain economically competitive.

Limitation of armaments in itself is economically and financially important quite apart from security.

When there is growth economically and in industry, I think there should be growth in information also.

Good governance, safety, a chance to grow economically and professionally - those are important things.

The E.U. is an economically right-wing organization that prioritizes the interests of big corporations.

When people are economically or socially dislocated, they are always more vulnerable to being radicalized.

I've never believed the charter movement was exclusively for socially and economically disadvantaged kids.

Even more than the Pill, what has liberated women is that they no longer need to depend on men economically.

I grew up in this weird, educationally elite but economically impoverished environment. Total 'Oprah' story.

At any one time, I'll have 30 to 40 pieces going on in the studio, so this is not economically driven at all.

Adults need to live in a society that is economically social, governmentally democratic, and culturally free.

States with tremendous oil and natural gas reserves have the most to gain economically from proper regulation.

The autocracies of the Arab world have been as economically destructive as they've been politically repressive.

Economically, the business development of the greater Hyderabad region has made the city integral to the state.

Economically, we are, to some significant degree, interdependent with Chinese well-being. That is a great asset.

I'm not afraid to improve myself spiritually, emotionally, economically. I'm not afraid to take on that challenge.

Poland not only has a capable military but also is strong economically and does not need money being raised for it.

The privileged man, whether he be privileged politically or economically, is a man depraved in intellect and heart.

If the preservation of the home means the enslavement of women, economically or morally, then we had better break it.

I think it's true - economically, you want to bake a bigger cake rather than slicing up an existing cake differently.

What I argued in 'The Great Divide' is that societies can't function without trust, both politically and economically.

There was a time in the mid-'50s when the Philippines was in the same league as Japan economically and academics-wise.

Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient.

All I was looking for is to be successful. I had the opportunity with Australia, with what it provided for me economically.

What I'm absolutely certain of is, every day we delay in accessing that Asia-Pacific region, the more we lose economically.

India's future has to be built on the foundation of social protection of the economically and socially handicapped sections.

I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don't have to do it physically.

I want to play the Champions League with Marseille, but I want to know how much we are economically dependent on our project.

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