Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long ...

Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.

Surprise is a huge element in acting.

Woman is also the element of conflict.

The element of harmony is super important.

I love the surprise element of being a mom.

I like to take people out of their element.

I'm more aware of time. The element of time.

All the best songs have an element of sadness.

There's a TV element to everything in my eyes.

Simplicity is a great element of good breeding.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

There is a large element of me in every role I do.

The element of teamwork is perhaps underappreciated.

Having a visual element to your band is a good thing.

I've always really liked the rhythm element of songs.

Any goal worth achieving involves an element of risk.

The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.

The only element of jazz that I keep is improvisation.

Every story needs an element of suspense - or it's lousy.

You have to give an element of performance on television.

The most important element for any economy is confidence.

Food is an important element of maintaining a fitter body.

I consider my music edgy, urban and with an earthy element.

Skating, like all other sports, has an element of strategy.

There always seems to be an element of faith in my writing.

There has to be an element of risk-taking for me in my work.

The tonality of the flute almost has a mystic element to me.

I like there to be some interest in every element of my life.

An ice cream sundae isn't complete without a crunchy element.

Truth is the number one element in whatever you do with music.

I quite like the element of charity shops not being sorted out.

Any horror element is as much psychological as special effects.

The tragic element of a character is always intriguing I think.

Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith.

Rule of law is the most important element in any civil society.

There is always an emotional element to anything that you make.

I know exactly what I'm doing on the ice, and I'm in my element.

The social element has really transformed the gaming experience.

Surfing is such an incredible experience with a huge ego element.

I think that the destructive element is too much neglected in art.

Courage is the essential element in any great public man or woman.

I want to keep looking for roles that have an element of surprise.

We will work to bring an element of stability to the price of oil.

I'm really interested in the nondefinitive element of abstraction.

The big element I think that I bring is that I am a veteran coach.

Religion is one dimension of culture, a transcendent element of it.

I love artists like Prince, who hold on to that element of mystery.

I have always loved aeroplanes and spacecraft and the design element.

For feel-good fiction to work, there has to be an element of darkness.

The music has always been the first and foremost element in our career.

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