Moog embodies a sound luxury like no other.

Hillary Clinton embodies the corruption of Washington.

Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning.

Longreads embodies a lot of what we really value with Automattic and WordPress.

'Naked' embodies what everyone, at the end of the day, really wants and how they should feel.

Punk will never be dead to me. It's my life. I can never just drop this lifestyle. It embodies me.

The thing about Occupy is that the sentiment the movement embodies is timeless: Don't be greedy, share.

My dad is a great writer. Naturally talented, naturally charming. He embodies that back-in-the-day cool.

Our federal Constitution embodies the idea of modern India: it defines not only India but also modernity.

Art distills sensation and embodies it with enhanced meaning in a memorable form - or else it is not art.

I think the documentary is something that people are hungry for, that it embodies careful thought, nuance.

Science fiction and fantasy is a kind of literature that embodies the highest aspirations of the human race.

'Billy Elliot' embodies the idea that anyone can achieve anything regardless of their socio-economic background.

I always wanted to be a Freshman because XXL is really important in the history of hip-hop. It embodies the culture.

Since I was young, the artistic expression that fashion embodies has inspired me. It's a way to communicate oneself.

Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things.

The ballet embodies the notes of music. And sometimes you almost feel like you can see the notes dance up there on the stage.

'Nowhere Man' embodies one of my favorite themes - the hero completely out of his element. It's really near and dear to my heart.

It's such a great lesson for young players in this league that winning is the most important thing, and that's what Dwyane embodies.

'Mi Gente' is a song that embodies a special moment in music - a new sound of a Latino culture on the rise and being embraced globally.

Music embodies feeling without forcing it to contend and combine with thought, as it is forced in most arts and especially in the art of words.

I'm told Jodha was someone whose eyes conveyed humility, simplicity, courage, and conviction. Paridhi embodies everything I had in mind for Jodha.

Many people remember that spirit that President Kennedy summoned forth. Many people look to me as somebody who embodies that sense of possibility.

If there was ever a true emotion of a Chicago Bull, Derrick Rose embodies it. Because he is Chicago. That kid will do anything for the city of Chicago.

I think of Superman as the ultimate vanilla hero. He's this perfect refugee, this perfect immigrant from another planet who embodies the American dream.

At the beginning of 'A Christmas Carol,' Scrooge embodies one of the central tenets of depression: that one has always been this way - and always will be.

I love what a women embodies. I love our bodies; I love the way we communicate with our bodies. I love the way dance creates movement. It's art in motion.

MMA embodies a lot of disciplines of sports with footwork and with football, especially with the punching technique you get the hand and eye coordination.

United Nations Day marks the birthday of our founding Charter - the landmark document that embodies the hopes, dreams and aspirations of 'we the peoples.'

But Tommy Lee Jones is just smooth. He's just the real deal. I'm captivated by him because there's so little of that in Hollywood, and he just embodies it.

What is jazz? It, It's almost like asking, What is French? Jazz is a musical language. It's a musical dialect that actually embodies the spirit of America.

One of the biggest things happening in the art world is this idea of expansion. No one embodies this aspect of what art is becoming better than James Franco.

So obviously, any religion embodies some form of rules and expectations for behavior, and even sometimes consequences, and they don't want to hear any of that.

I believe there is room in the market for a daily driver that embodies all the attributes of the best track racing car and the comfort of a luxurious sports car.

There's music to dance to and make love to, music to cry to. I'm starting from scratch, coming fresh. But my sound still embodies the same soulful, intricate harmonies.

There is something about New Orleans that embodies passion; I've never seen that before. There's something tangible about the essence of the city. You can taste and smell it.

What is the constitution of the universe? The universe is the manifestation of the divine thought; the thought of God embodies itself in the thought-forms that we call worlds.

I have known Senator Rubio for a number of years, and he is an inspiring, courageous, and bold leader who embodies the American dream of freedom and equal opportunity for all.

You have to decide if you want something stable and safe or if you want to take a risk and go outside the formula and try something new. That's everything that dance embodies.

Asher means 'happy and blessed' which embodies my eldest. Caleb means 'stubborn and tenacious dog' and I can't even tell you how much that is my little boy! It was a useful warning.

I love when an outfit embodies the fluidity of my gender - it makes me feel the most confident and grounded, especially when attending fashion shows, which can be extremely overwhelming.

One of the many things I hate about Donald Trump is that he embodies a kind of very popular popular culture that, as near as I'm able to perceive and stomach, is of no quality whatsoever.

I admire Ai Weiwei for his art and his activism. His art is beautiful in form, and in function embodies the principles of populism and social consciousness I aspire to in my own practice.

I think my ultimate fashion icon would have to be Gwen Stefani. I love her persona; I love what she embodies and represents. I love the fact that she was a girl fronting a band of boys in No Doubt.

I never thought of Kim Basinger in terms of age. For me she embodies woman with her subtleties and intricacies. She's sensual and intellectually engaging, elegant with a very strong personal style.

If she has a good, strong, reliable father image, which is hard to find these days, that will be her image of men, probably for the rest of her life. She'll look for a husband who embodies those qualities.

What hadn't been realized in the literature until now is that merely to describe how severely something has been tested in the past itself embodies inductive assumptions, even as a statement about the past.

When you look at youth, they want to aspire to somebody. You can see that with him you have to work hard, and that's what you bring if you have someone like Ronaldo who embodies hard work and determination.

Ever since the commercial smash that was 'The Full Monty', we've always made films about underdogs. It's something that embodies Britishness and that sense of community and people punching above their weight.

A shinobi embodies an archetype that is able to use everything at their disposal. They don't pick a fighting style; they use every means and everything they can get their hands on. They exploit every weakness.

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