Whatever begins, also ends.

Who you spend time with is who you become.

End times aren't supposed to be very pretty.

Don't spend time with anyone you don't like.

Man lives in time but his life transcends time.

It's mighty funny. The end of time has just begun.

Modo, et modo, non habebent modum. By-and-by has no end.

I’m a quiet person. I spend time observing, not speaking.

You cannot save time, but you can spend time differently.

There is no post-9/11. Everything from now until the end of time is post-9/11.

Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space.

For eternally and always there is only now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end.

Let your characters talk to each other and do things. Spend time with them - they'll tell you who they are and what they're up to.

The Bible tells us, for instance, that there is going to be a cashless society. The Bible tells us that there is going to be global instability and excessive violence in the End Times.

I like to have success experiences rather than failure experiences. So I'm more likely to compete in things I'm good at, and more likely to spend time on the things I expect to succeed at.

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