I love English football.

I like English football a lot.

I am fascinated by English football.

English football is really suited to me.

I follow English football a lot and Ancelotti.

I like English football so much - it is very strong.

I'm confident I can be a success in English football.

There is a great deal of fair play in English football.

My process to adapt to English football has been very good.

English football is a type of football which excites me a lot.

I love watching English football. It's the league I most enjoy.

I know that English football and the Premier League is the best.

I've watched quite a few matches to understand English football.

English football is very, very difficult. It is very disciplined.

English football pleases me a lot. It's the most keenly contested.

English football is really different to football in other countries.

I love English football. I love the way people live it so intensely.

I enjoyed English football from day one when I was with Southampton.

There is no doubt English football is very big, with huge visibility.

It was always a dream and goal of mine to try out in English football.

I'd like to play in English football, especially for Manchester United.

I'm passionate about English football; it's lived in a special way, unique.

English football is very offensive, all about fast attacks, and I like that.

I'm adapting quite well to English football with the same will I've always had.

I like English football very much. It is truly one of the best leagues in the world.

I wanted to go outside of Germany and I saw English football as a big, big challenge.

I've always appreciated English football and the Premier League, I've always liked it.

Ever since I started watching Premier League, I found English football very appealing.

The first introduction I had with English football was in the FA Cup in the early '80s.

I like to win my challenge. That's English football as well, but I am not a dirty player.

The level of football in England is the top. English football is the leader in the world.

I have always had the dream to play in English football and now I'm going to make it true.

English football is in a bad way because the foreign players here are so good, so dominant.

English football is very physical, much more so than Spanish football - I felt it in the first match.

English football, especially Premier League football, is different to most football on the continent.

English football is very different from Italian; it's more physical, and matches are always very open.

I do not think any thinking individual buys a sports franchise, or an English football club, to make money.

I played English football - soccer - instead of American football, because we couldn't afford the equipment.

I am enjoying playing English football. It is very beautiful. With every game I play, I feel more comfortable.

English football is so physical and fast that when you see a space, you have to go into it with all your speed.

My first season in English football was very special. I hope to go on to achieve even more as a Chelsea player.

The romance of English football is fantastic, but it has lost its identity under the influence of other cultures.

English football is different: always on the attack. Although one thing is clear. The best football is the Italian.

It's very tough in the U.K. For me, it was totally different. English football and French football are not the same.

When English football started to integrate more with European football, England started to share the Latin culture more.

Being tall isn't what makes you a good footballer, and I don't think that's the defining factor in English football at all.

Do I enjoy the aggression of English football? No. I like to play football. I like to score goals. I like to do things well.

I like English football, always have. It's just that people go on about the World Cup in 1986 and then I'm seen as the real bad boy.

I was a Barcelona fan. My favorite player was Ronaldinho. But I watched a lot of English football and admired lots of English teams.

I love English football because it's real football. I love everything that surrounds it. The public, the atmosphere, the preparation.

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