Concentrate on the Essence, concentrate on the Light.

When is a cell finally too small to hold our essence?

You know, crankiness is at the essence of all comedy.

Fairness through leveling is the essence of Obamaism.

The essence of Chess is thinking about what Chess is.

The wealth within you, your essence, is your kingdom.

A thief loves the night. I am day. I reveal essences.

The essence of belief is the establishment of a habit.

Farce is nearer tragedy in its essence than comedy is.

Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.

Patience is the essence of clicking great Photographs!!

The essence of all health begins through joyful living.

What we call love is in its essence reverence for life.

What essence is to generation, that truth is to belief.

The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.

Yeah, playing live for me is the essence of what we do.

Becoming the reader is the essence of becoming a writer.

I want to live with autonomy. That's the essence of sin.

The essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn.

The essence of life is doing things for their own sakes.

Timing is the essence of life, and definitely of comedy.

Equality of opportunity is the essence of social justice.

For feeling, not events, is to me the essence of history.

The essence is, what can we do next? And will it be good?

The possibility of transformation is the essence of hope.

People's participation is the essence of good governance.

It is the essence of innovation to fail most of the time.

When boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is hatred.

To be free is of the essence of every intellectual being.

My definition of God is the ever-present essence of love.

In essence, everything is energy and cannot be destroyed.

The essence of mathematics lies precisely in its freedom.

I think there is an idea, a unique essence to every club.

Union and Communion: this is the essence of Christianity.

The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws.

If you look too closely at the form, you miss the Essence.

Good acting comes from finding the essence of a character.

Choice is the essence of what I believe it is to be human.

Hopefully we get back to the raw essence of hip hop again.

Time is of the essence and I don't have much essence left.

The essence of management is to make knowledge productive.

The freedom to be an individual is the essence of America.

Virtues, like essences, lose their fragrance when exposed.

The essence of thought, as the essence of life, is growth.

Freedom is existence, and in it existence precedes essence.

Is disinterest not the essence of every human relationship?

I was such a fan of 'True Blood;' I knew the essence of it.

Faith is pretty much the essence of mine and Grace's being.

What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.

The essence of the Redemption depends upon learning Kabbalah

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