Is it not by love alone that we succeed in penetrating to the very essence of being?

The essence of successful discipline is not technique; rather, it is self-confidence.

No being can be what he is unless he is putting his essence into action in his field.

growth requires purposeful division. Responsible dissent is the essence of democracy.

Love, which is the essence of God, is not for levity, but for the total worth of man.

The essence of good business is knowing when to step on a train and when to step off.

If you reach deeply into yourself, you are reaching into the very essence of mankind.

The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mould of the body and mind entire.

The essence of the free press is the reliable, reasonable and moral nature of freedom.

To administer is to govern: to govern is to reign. That is the essence of the problem.

Usually my records are made trying to capture the essence of a band playing in a room.

The essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic.

Making choices that are meaningful to you is the essence of the French woman's secret.

The essence of humour is surprise; that is why you laugh when you see a joke in Punch.

The essence of religion, in my view, is the thirst for an end higher than natural ends.

Greek dress was in its essence inartistic. Nothing should reveal the body but the body.

Know in the first place, that mankind agree in essence, as they do in limbs and senses.

to achieve unity without uniformity is the whole essence of the democratic way of life.

Distilling truth from overwhelming amounts of information is the essence of leadership.

Our individual liberty is the very essence of America. It is what makes America unique.

It is of the essence of virtue that the good is not to be done for the sake of a reward.

The essence of strategy is that you must set limits on what you're trying to accomplish.

The song of your soul is longing to be sung. Let your own essence express itself freely.

Visual storytelling utilizes both language and art to pass on the essence of who we are.

The essence of a sculpture must enter on tip-toe, as light as animal footprints on snow.

Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation.

So they loved as love in twain Had the essence but in one; Two distinct, divisions none.

The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person.

The essence of our whole path is in that place of discomfort, and what do we do with it?

The essence of the religious emotions consists in the feeling of an absolute dependence.

Risk is the essence of any reward - to try the thing that no one else is willing to try.

Symmetry is ennui, and ennui is the very essence of grief and melancholy. Despair yawns.

The essence of conservative ideology is its being anchored in the divine order of things.

For my first fragrance, I wanted to capture the essence of a woman's strength and beauty.

When lines are great, they're easy to do. You just find the essence of it, and you do it.

The solitary knows the essence of the thought, the scholar in society only its fair face.

Hypocrisy is the essence of snobbery, but all snobbery is about the problem of belonging.

Curves are the essence of my work because they are the essence of Brazil, pure and simple.

The problem is that the U.K. in essence is a feudal society. It's everyone in their place.

What a bog and labyrinth the human essence is... We are all overbrained and overemotioned.

It goes without saying that moderation and sobriety are of the very essence of vow-taking.

The Federal Government was never, in its essence, anything but an anti-slavery government.

Ancient masters of excellence had a subtle essence, and a depth too profound to comprehend.

The essence of sculpture is for me the perception of space, the continuum of our existence.

The essence of evangelism is to passionately show people how you can make history together.

Pride is more than the first of the seven deadly sins; it is itself the essence of all sin.

The essence of a thoughtful spring menu is bringing the table to life with flavorful color!

TM® is helping you tap into something that's already inside of you - that's you in essence.

Hinduism is synonymous with humanism. That is its essence and its great liberating quality.

The essence of Christian obedience is not do’s and don’ts but personal allegiance to Jesus.

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