Big sisters exaggerate.

All rappers exaggerate.

The media exaggerate little things.

Weak minds exaggerate too much the wrong done to the Africans.

Never exaggerate your faults, your friends will attend to that.

When you make movies based on real life, you try to exaggerate it.

That's the problem with having a bald head. It exaggerates the shape.

When you make movies of based on real life, you try to exaggerate it.

Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it.

In my own writing, I think of myself as a realist who exaggerates a little.

Progress will always have as its recourse to exaggerate what it cannot surpass.

All passions exaggerate; and they are passions only because they do exaggerate.

I think one of the battles for fiction writers is how much to invent or exaggerate.

To say that a humorist exaggerates to get big laughs, I don't see how that's big news.

An easy way to find your own style is to exaggerate yourself a bit and then find a balance.

Attackers have to be selfish on the pitch occasionally, but it's important not to exaggerate.

It would be difficult to exaggerate the degree to which we are influenced by those we influence.

It's hard to exaggerate the importance of preserving the financial integrity of Social Security.

We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never as bad off or as happy as we say we are.

The Internet amplifies power in all respects. It can grossly exaggerate the power of the individual.

I exaggerate when I'm angry, but I've never gone around telling people things that aren't true about me.

I regard it as a waste of time to think only of selling: one forgets one's art and exaggerates one's value.

Everything I say is true and from the heart. I exaggerate some things, but the core base of it is just facts.

Moliere exaggerates common vices of mankind: lust, greed, misanthropy, hypocrisy. We all have a touch of these.

The actor is too prone to exaggerate his powers; he wants to play Hamlet when his appearance is more suitable to King Lear.

Music is an outlet, so I'm not going to get things out that aren't true. Sometimes I do exaggerate - but only a little bit.

It's nonsense to say money doesn't buy happiness, but people exaggerate the extent to which more money can buy more happiness.

When I'm writing, I like to have a tiny bit of fact and then exaggerate it and turn it into something more people could relate to.

You will never exaggerate when you speak good things of God. It is not possible to do so. Try, dear brethren, and boast in the Lord.

The life which men praise and regard as successful is but one kind. Why should we exaggerate any one kind at the expense of the others?

It is almost impossible to exaggerate the proneness of the human mind to take miracles as evidence, and to seek for miracles as evidence.

It would be hard to exaggerate Ernest Hemingway's influence over American literature, but his influence on our lives is probably larger still.

I adore falseness. I don't want you to tell me accurately what happened yesterday. I want you to lie about it, to exaggerate, to entertain me.

I feel I'm often misunderstood by critics. People project a lot or exaggerate the subjective fragility simply because it's frightening to them.

The copycat effects of media violence, similar to those previously attributed to westerns, radio serials and comic books, are easy to exaggerate.

Part of the role of photography is to exaggerate, and that is an aspect that I have to puncture. I do that by showing the world as I really find it.

It is impossible to exaggerate the wide, and widening, gulf between the American attitude on the Iraq war and the view from our friends across the Atlantic.

Comedy comes from tragedy, and being Iranian in America from 1979 on had been quite tragic. In stand-up comedy, I was able to take the reality and exaggerate it.

Because all of biology is connected, one can often make a breakthrough with an organism that exaggerates a particular phenomenon, and later explore the generality.

Precisely because white denial has long trumped claims of racism, people of color tend to underreport their experiences with racial bias rather than exaggerate them.

They always use the word 'insult' with me, but I don't hurt anybody. I wouldn't be sitting here if I did. I make fun of everybody and exaggerate all our insecurities.

I was wrong to exaggerate in statements related to my experiences in the White House and the Royal Family. I am truly sorry for misleading people and misstating the facts.

The best comedy to me - and again, I grew up with comedy since I was a baby, so I've seen it all - is when you exaggerate the truth, like Richard Pryor did, you understand?

Most people, even among those who know Shakespeare well and come into real contact with his mind, are inclined to isolate and exaggerate some one aspect of the tragic fact.

I exaggerate all our selves, our beings. I make fun of everything: of our life and what we are. But I don't tell jokes, really. I just exaggerate life, and it comes out funny.

I guess when I first started speaking with an American accent, there's a tendency to create a caricature of the accent because you just exaggerate the pieces that stand out to you.

You can exaggerate with puppets. You're not trying to look like real people. The way the Muppets are designed is really appealing. Puppets are best if they're exaggerated creatures.

A lot of times, I have personal things, things I go through that I may exaggerate or make a story around, but it always has a meaning related to something I've been through for real.

We're all getting plastic surgery. Come on, this is the game here, and HDTV exaggerates all the features. Yeah, I'm proud of it, because we're all doing it. Nobody's talking about it.

What really matters is that 'Black Swan' deploys and exaggerates all the cliches of earlier ballet movies, especially 'The Red Shoes,' another tale of a ballerina driven mad and suicidal.

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