Touring for two years is excruciating.

It's excruciating to be away from your child.

It's very difficult to advocate for yourself while you're in excruciating pain.

Politics is agony and ecstasy. The highs are amazing. The lows are excruciating.

I had my bully, and it was excruciating. Not only the bully, but the intimidation I felt.

Jamming is really the most awful, excruciating experience for me; I really don't enjoy it.

The thing that comes most frequently to me on yoga retreats is excruciating pain in my hips.

When improv is bad, it's excruciating to watch, and to be involved with it is a unique type of torture.

Edward Heath and Richard Nixon took personal awkwardness with each other to new and excruciating levels.

Sometimes the most excruciating experiences in rehearsals and performances yield the most beautiful work.

There is something about killing people at close range that is excruciating. It's bound to try a man's soul.

I hate going into a room with people in it and the feeling of them staring. I find every moment excruciating.

The pain of powerlessness is excruciating. It is the most painful experience in the earth school, and everyone shares it.

When you are in unrelenting, excruciating and debilitating pain that never goes away for years on end, your life is over.

In the face of excruciating pain and uncertainty, I never lost hope, and it never occurred to me to stop fighting - not ever.

I think many people can relate to that excruciating pain of love gone wrong. I'd rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.

My illness is excruciating and difficult to cope with. It takes over your entire life and causes more suffering than I can describe.

Actors are fighting at all time. The love you get is amazing. When you don't get it, it is the most excruciating career you can be in.

For years I was doing the excruciating weightlifting of writing scripts - but then I stayed thin and someone else got all the muscles.

The debate about who decides what gets taught is fascinating, albeit excruciating for those who have to defend the schools against bunkum.

I think most British people who say they can do an American accent are so bad at it. I find it excruciating. I find it excruciating the other way around, too.

I was really, because I thought it was extremely excruciating when I watched a tape of it, that my husband taped for me and I never watched it again after that.

I lead a very regimented life. I take excruciating care of myself: I take a lot of vitamins, get enough sleep, don't drink apart from a glass of wine occasionally.

Life's fairly excruciating. Painful things happen. Every now and then, you drag yourself out of the stream and stand on the bank gasping for air. I think that's how I work.

I find that women want to tell me about their birthing experiences. In the most excruciating detail. It's not put me off having children, but I do feel like I know too much.

To be honest, making albums is really never easy. It's always a bit excruciating because there's always this fight to make it great, and then you hit these stumbling blocks along the way.

Almost all the ideas we have about being a man or being a woman are so burdened with pain, anxiety, fear and self-doubt. For many of us, the confusion around this question is excruciating.

Our greatest hope comes from the knowledge that the Savior broke the bands of death. His victory came through His excruciating pain, suffering, and agony. He atoned for our sins if we repent.

I don't want to leave New York and leave my family. I don't like the distance. I just did a movie in California and it's kind of excruciating to be away from them so I think there is that sense.

Since September 11 2001, editors in America have faced some excruciating choices, as the attempt to wage a war against a new kind of enemy sometimes strained the boundaries of our laws and values.

I actually had kind of one of those crazy experiences where when I hit, it was black out excruciating pain, and then white out absence of pain, and the subconscience thought that I want to go back.

Creativity is a spark. It can be excruciating when we're rubbing two rocks together and getting nothing. And it can be intensely satisfying when the flame catches and a new idea sweeps around the world.

When theatre works, it's like nothing else, and when it doesn't, which is often, it's excruciating. It's perhaps not so excruciating when a novel goes wrong, but there is a kind of magic that can and should happen.

Whether you are pro-choice or strongly pro-life, as I am, there should be common ground that abortion ceases to be an option when a baby can live outside the mother's womb or experience excruciating pain from a procedure.

I can remember I lost three and a half stone weight loss. It was painful, it was excruciating, it was hell. I had to exercise eight hours a day. It was very tiring, very exhausting. I came away seeing exercise as punishment.

Every movie I make I find kind of excruciating. I get a lot back from it, but I feel like I'm kind of always working at the edge of my ability. I guess that's what I'm looking for when I go to work. I am trying to become the edge.

If I sit down to write a young-adult novel, then I'm going to write either to the punch-pulling expectation of what I can't do, or I'm going to go the other way and think about what can I sneak in to be 'down with the kids' - which would be excruciating.

To create something new is both thrilling and excruciating at the same time. It's great to have all these choices in front of you, and to have the writers in the room so you know exactly what they meant. But the downside is you want so badly not to screw it up!

I, for one, find writing excruciating. Some mornings, as I'm on my way to my desk, my hands actually tremble with fear. The fear, of course, is that I'll sit down at the desk and discover that what I've written is claptrap. Fear inevitably leads to procrastination.

Thrumpton Hall can be thought of as a venerable old lady, ageing gracefully. But I didn't always feel this way. Children want more than anything to be very conventional and very normal, so it was excruciating and, at times, very upsetting to grow up in a house like this.

Dancing is never excruciating as preparing for it is. For instance, the song 'Chamma Chamma' had heavy outfits and even more heavy jewellery. 'Kambakht Ishq' was shot in extreme heat during the day and a rain sequence in the night, so we were literally drenched throughout the night.

The requests for blurbs seem to come in waves. I'm not sure what precipitates them. I think it must be excruciating for editors to draft those elaborate letters asking for a blurb, and I know it's torturous for us writers to ask directly. But publishers encourage us to. Rock and a hard place.

I didn't have boyfriends until my late teens. I was at a girls' boarding school, and my stepfather disapproved of me going out with anybody. I never really came across any boys. When I did, one of them asked me out, and I was petrified. I felt like a fish out of water, and it was excruciating.

People who find that they have a lot of drama in their relationships need to allow themselves to get 'bored'. At first, it will feel excruciating, and they may find themselves confronting a very real fear underneath all that drama: being truly close and therefore vulnerable to another human being.

My life changed irrevocably four-and-a-half years ago when my spine failed and collapsed. I spent two years on the floor, in excruciating, debilitating and unrelenting pain. I can only describe the pain as being submerged into a vat of scalding acid that has an electric current running through it. And you can never get out, ever.

I had convinced my father to let me pursue this career, and I passionately wanted it. And here was this conflict in me, and I hadn't shared it with my father. And it was excruciating to always have your guard up. Particularly because, being an actor, you're public and visible. I could be seen coming out of a gay bar. Who could have seen me?

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