There's no such thing as an ex-junkie.

There is no such thing as an ex-exhibitionist.

But don't ever call her ex-boyfriends by his name.

In the divorce my ex got everything. Even kept her composure

The truth is that everybody has a past and everybody has an ex.

I DON'T have EX's! I have Y's. Like 'Y the hell did I date you?!

It had come about ex­act­ly in the way things hap­pened in books.

Ex hoc momento pendet aeternites. (Eternity hangs from this moment.)

Never be friends with your exes if you weren't friends with them before.

Of evils one should choose the least. [Lat., Ex malis eligere minima oportere.]

There's no ex out there who I'm not friends with today, and I'm extremely thankful for that.

I think a lot of ex-addicts. They find a lot of humor in what they did because they lived through it.

I didn't really [seriously] go out with any guys until I was 18 and met my ex-fiancé, Michael Weatherly.

For me, once I've worked on something and it's finished, it's like an ex-boyfriend: you don't go back to them.

All my ex's live in Texas, And Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be, But all my ex's live in Texas, Therefore I reside in Tennessee

Whenever you have an ex, and they're like, 'I hope we can still be friends!' and you weren't friends before you started dating, then what do you go back to, really?

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