Exile is my power.

I am not in exile.

Thou Paradise of exiles, Italy!

The end of exile is the end of being.

Independence didn't have to be exile.

I know how men in exile feed on dreams.

Exile: A tomb in which you can get mail.

To hope is to send darkest night into exile.

Exile is a series of photographs without texts.

Rome is no longer in Rome, it is here where I am.

I do not feel an exile from America in any sense.

I do not feel an exile from America in any sense.

Everyone must come out of his Exile in his own way.

For a king, death is better than dethronement and exile.

We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile.

I would never write, ever. I might as well exile myself.

Is it in these bottomless nights that you sleep in exile?

Life itself is an exile. The way home is not the way back.

I grew up acutely aware of the exile and distance caused by war.

'The Exile' covers approximately the first third of 'Outlander'.

We have no political prisons. We have political internal exiles.

I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

As a political exile, you always think you're going home next year.

Exile is not a time frame. Exile is an experience. It's a sentiment.

Exile is like death. You cannot understand it until it happens to you.

In exile, I have tried to profit by the past and prepare for the future.

In New York City, everyone is an exile, none more so than the Americans.

Lots of times you can feel as an exile in a country that you were born in.

While living in exile I have become the loudspeaker for the people of Iran.

The more we exile ourselves from nature, the more we crave its miracle waters.

I sing 'Beirut' for what the city is for me, but I am also singing as an exile.

You would be better off in exile than priding yourself on be like everyone else.

I am the face of a refugee. I was once a refugee. I was with my family in exile.

The concept of loneliness and exile and self-sufficiency continually bucks me up.

Since the 1960s, exile for Haitians is a condition that ends only to begin again.

EXILE, n. One who serves his country by residing abroad, yet is not an ambassador.

I don't think of myself as a dissident, and I'm more of an immigrant than an exile.

The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner.

New York is, of course, many cities, and an exile does not return to the one he left.

It is strange, how quickly people want to obligate their poets, as it were, on the exile.

Political correctness is driving machismo underground and recalling effeminacy from exile.

Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer; the secret of redemption lies in remembrance.

Mussolini never killed anyone. Mussolini used to send people on vacation in internal exile.

New York - that unnatural city where every one is an exile, none more so than the American.

In the 70s I was in exile; every time I went back I wondered if they'd take my passport away.

In the '70s I was in exile; every time I went back I wondered if they'd take my passport away.

It is true that I am of an older fashion; much that I love has been destroyed or sent into exile.

An exile reads change the way he reads time, memory, self, love, fear, beauty: in the key of loss.

Happiness is not only a hope, but also in some strange manner a memory ... we are all kings in exile.

The moment you’ve uttered the exact dimensionality of your exile, you’re already turning towards home.

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