It's never crowded along the extra mile.

There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.

If you're mentally ready, you're willing to go the extra mile.

I write about nerds who go the extra mile and become rock stars.

John Cena has granted more wishes than anybody in history. He goes the extra mile.

If you can break bread with a guy, you will actually go the extra mile on the court; that just happens.

If I want to do realistic cinema and convince the audience in authentic roles, I have to walk the extra mile.

I do music that makes me happy by challenging myself to go the extra mile and not do what everyone else is doing.

Some people won't go the extra mile, and then on their birthday, when no one makes a fuss, they feel neglected and bitter.

You got to be able to work hard. And that's what I do. I work hard, because that's what's necessary. You have to go that extra mile.

I think, as a performer, the biggest challenge is that you want to do a good job, pushing yourself. You want to go the extra mile every time.

The consummate gentleman on the planet today is George Clooney, who never fails to go the extra mile for people. Every person matters to George.

Heroes have a rough time because they stand up when they ought not to, they speak when they ought not to; they always have to go that extra mile.

One of our secret-sauce powers is that our people don't just write checks and place the ads, but our employees go the extra mile to get things done.

You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for.

If you want to succeed at any job, make yourself invaluable. Go the extra mile; make them never be able to imagine what life without you there would be like.

Eric Knuutila was one of those coaches who I could tell who cared, who went the extra mile, who made sure that it wasn't just about getting me on the mat and wrestling.

It's not about talent once you get to the NFL because everyone's got it. It's about being willing to go that extra mile to be the best and that's something that I've always done.

Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile.

Most women are happier at home! They're pretending that they like working, but they're not making money because they don't stay all night at the office. They don't go the extra mile.

I'm an entertainer. If people are paying good money for tickets they deserve the best show they can see. I don't get into lighting stuff on fire, but I do believe in going the extra mile.

We all know the dangers of sequels. Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place too often, and I think you've got to move beyond it, go the extra mile and have the courage not to just repeat the first one.

I know I wouldn't be a New York Yankee if it wasn't for my mom: the guidance she gave me as a kid growing up, knowing the difference from right and wrong, how to treat people and how to go the extra mile and put in extra work, all that kind of stuff.

The best gift for an actor is the love of the fans. Many make sweet cards, write letters and even come and meet me wherever I am in India. The love and blessings of your elders is also always cherished, but the extra mile that the fans go to is memorable.

Being on a set where the director has lost control is just sickening. No one goes the extra mile, there's a lot of eye-rolling... it just breeds inertia. If a director is in control, the crew follow their leader. But the second anyone senses the directors are not sure, people just swoop in.

My dad was a high school coach for 30-plus years in North Carolina, and he was inducted into the North Carolina High School Coaches Hall of Fame. He's the best coach I've known, in every way, all the way around - relationships, motivation, going the extra mile, always putting his kids first and foremost.

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