What is history but a fable agreed upon?

There are going to be some real surprises in 'Fable 2.'

In 'Fable III' we have taken away the experience system.

I wanted to write a new fable and see how many rules you could break.

Did universal charity prevail, earth would be a heaven, and hell a fable.

The moral of a fable is eternal. The moral of a story is temporary to a story.

Whosoever counts these Lays as fable, may be assured that I am not of his mind.

I think the charm of 'Fable' was in the feeling of the world and definitely the humor.

Going to the moon was a fable. Resetting aging is a fable, but that's what we're setting out to do.

There was a whole sequence of concept art about a 'Fable' set in a kind of steampunk Victoriana age.

I'd love personally... this is not an announcement at all, but I would love to see 'Fable 2' on the PC.

It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved.

I think it's fantastic that people still remember Fable, and some of them are really passionate about it.

For me, going back to 'Fable' is a terrible experience. I look at it and at best I would call it fractured.

Fable is more historical than fact, because fact tells us about one man and fable tells us about a million men.

All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.

We've got plans for 'Fable' III, IV, and V. It's a big story arc, and if you play Fable II, you'll recognize things from 'Fable I.'

The Fable story hinted at a dramatic time before 'Fable 1' when the Guild was founded, this would be a perfect setting for 'Fable 4.'

What makes 'The Lorax' such a powerful fable is partly its shamelessness. It pulls no punches; it wears its teacher heart on its sleeve.

Suspense films are often based on communication problems, and that affects all of the plot points. It almost gives it kind of a fable feeling.

At heart, 'Chef' is a daddy-daycare fable about an overextended man who teaches his 10-year-old son the family business and learns to love him.

Despite the strength of the feminist movement in the 1970s and beyond, a fable has persisted that educated women are rejected as marriage partners.

When we transitioned from the PC to the console with 'Fable,' it took us five years to do that. And that's just going from a mouse to a controller.

I came on board 'Clown' because it was a very simple story, and it was a very nice script and a very refreshing take on a kind of The Brothers Grimm fable, you know?

The thing about 'Fable' is that it was such a rich world. It was, well, what the name says it is. It's all about Fable and Albion and this idea of legends and humor.

The minute that you bring a unicorn into a story, you know that it's a fairy tale or a fable, because unicorns don't exist as animals. They exist as fantasy creatures.

For me, art is make-believe. It's enchantment. It's a fable. I'm enjoying that and playing with it. Of course it's serious, and art is serious, but I'm not going to rarefy it.

You know, the health bar in 'Fable III' was destined to be this pixel-high line at the top left-hand side of the screen. No one was looking at it! No one even knew it was there!

Whether in cave paintings or the latest uses of the Internet, human beings have always told their histories and truths through parable and fable. We are inveterate storytellers.

Writers are notoriously unable to know about themselves. Faulkner thought 'The Fable' was his best novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald liked 'Tender Is the Night,' an experimental novel.

In the original 'Fable,' Albion was kind of run by heroes and heroes were the thing, and there weren't any lords or kings, there were just heroes, and greater and greater heroes.

Well, the most incredible thing about 'Fable' is the fact that there are lots of examples where people play the game in a certain way and things happen that were never designed to happen.

From this, without doubt, sprang the fable. Man created it thus, because it was not given him to see more than himself and nature, which surrounds him; but he created it true with a truth all its own.

The major change was going from 'Black and White' to 'Fable,' because I was no longer programming, and I had spent most of my time designing through programming, and only working with people I knew well.

While the Bible's account of the flood is one of judgment, it is also one of mercy and salvation. Likewise, our future full-size evangelistic Noah's Ark will honor the Bible as God's word and not treat it as a pagan fable.

In 'Fable 1,' the number of features was more important to me than what the features did. And as a games designer I've come to realize that it's not the number of features you have, it's the way that those features interact.

It was an amazing thing to see how Bowerstone, the capital of 'Fable,' progressed. It went from, in 'Fable 1,' to just 20 houses and then in 'Fable 3' it felt like a city that had districts. You could see that sense of progression in it.

There are men here and there to whom the whole of life is like an after-dinner hour with a cigar; easy, pleasant, empty, perhaps enlivened by some fable of strife to be forgotten - before the end is told - even if there happens to be any end to it.

For kind of sophisticated art I'm interested in, the larger structural rebuke has to be so subtle that it has to be distributed at an almost sub-atomic level. Otherwise, you fall into the kind of preachy, moralistic fable that I don't think makes for good literature.

I'd been away for about 10 days, and literally the first thing I did, even though it sounds very... it just shows you what a boring person I actually am, because the first thing I did was kiss my wife and hug my kid, then I turned on 'Fable 2' just to see how much gold I'd accrued over 10 days.

The beautiful thing about 'The Strain Trilogy' is the ability to move from gore to high fable to creeping dread to domestic drama to unbearable suspense to the uncanny and on and on. The epic journey is designed to support these swings in mood, and that complements my tastes, which are wide-ranging.

When you write a business fable, people get caught up in the story and don't get judgmental about what you're teaching them. If you're teaching a bunch of concepts, people get skeptical and say, 'Where'd you get that research?' But if you tell them a story, they get caught up in it while they learn.

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