Family is the most important thing to me.

My family is the most important thing to me.

My family are the most important thing to me.

Family is becoming more and more important to me.

Family gatherings were very important to me growing up.

My friends and family all know me, and that's the important thing.

I had a very traditional upbringing. Family has always been really important to me.

Making my family, friends, and close peers proud of me is the most important thing.

My family is the most important thing to me because they're always there for me when times are down.

It's very important to prioritize. I know, for me, my family comes first. That makes every decision very easy.

I have to say, creating memories is so important to me that I did a book about creating memories for your family.

It's critically important to have family around me, and some of my happiest moments are when I'm just with my family.

I've got friends in the different teams I've played for, but family is the most important thing to me. That will always be the case.

Your roots, your family, your friends all become so much more important to you as you get older, especially if you are a wandering minstrel like me.

I dug the idea that I was being perceived as the black sheep of my family, but for me, it was like, I was a rebel, and that to me was most important.

But for me, my personal relations, my personal family relations, are very important, and we've always tried to make sure that the public and the private are kept separate.

I was brought up in a family of journalists, and a mother who was deeply committed to human rights, so I think that the mix of those two huge influences have been very, very important to me.

I like a girl that takes pride in her appearance - looks are important to me, but it's also important she gets on with my friends and family. If my parents don't like a girl, then she's instantly a no-go.

I definitely have a strong sense of my Jewish and Israeli identity. I did my two-year military service; I was brought up in a very Jewish, Israeli family environment, so of course my heritage is very important to me.

I was raised in a deeply Catholic family. There was a sense that everything we were doing was to prepare ourselves for an afterlife in heaven. In my teenage years, that became less important to me. Eventually, that turned into agnosticism, which became atheism.

I want make sure I'm showing up for the people I'm really close to and my family, and so finding a balance is really important. But I don't want to quit drag at all. I want to be 90 years old and I want them to prop me up in the doorway and have hot dudes dance around me like Mae West. I really do!

'Hereditary' is unabashedly a horror film. In a lot of ways, it's in dialogue with other horror films. But I do know that it was important for me that the film functioned first as a family drama. I know that I'm never affected by anything if I'm not invested in the people to whom the genre things are happening.

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