Dressed in the lion's skin, the ass spread terror far and wide.

The job of the travel writer is to go far and wide, to make voluminous notes, to tell the truth.

Beijing's imperial reach extends far and wide, from Taiwan and Xinjiang to the South China Sea and beyond.

I don't think kids of color should have to search far and wide to find books that reflect their experience.

Having worked in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil film industries, I've been lucky to have travelled far and wide for shoots.

It's not necessary to go far and wide. I mean, you can really find exciting and inspiring things within your hometown.

Supporters pay a lot of money, they do. And sport is beautiful in many ways, because it attracts people from far and wide.

Great theater continues to bind us, one to the other, and most of us will travel far and wide to see a good story told well.

Ball caps travel far and wide. They do far more than keep the sun out of your eyes or the cold off your head. Ball caps are a statement.

Our focus remains on delivering the promise of WhatsApp far and wide so that people around the world have the freedom to speak their mind without fear.

War is good for absolutely nothing, because no matter how far and wide apart we may live, we're all the same under the skin. We all want to live, laugh and love.

I have been aware all the time that my peoples, spread far and wide throughout every continent and ocean in the world, were united to support me in the task to which I have now been dedicated with such solemnity.

It's our human nature to explore. Tens of thousands of years ago, our species walked out of Africa, traveling far and wide across the entire planet, from the Arctic to the tip of Tierra Del Fuego, making us the most geographically diversified species on Earth.

Gluttony might be innocuous were it not for the fact that gluttons tend to disregard whether their self-serving behaviors harm anyone else. We don't need to look far and wide to find examples of gluttonous behavior, as they are numerous throughout the history of capitalism.

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