A feature film is twenty-four lies per second.

Making your first feature film is actually impossible.

I want to direct a feature film. Horror is my main genre.

In a feature film, the question of censorship always comes up.

A short film is not a shortened feature film. It has a soul of its own.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend shooting a feature film on a still camera.

It's tricky to take a book of short stories and turn it into a feature film.

To make a documentary is one thing, to make a feature film is quite another.

Angel was the first Irish feature film. Neil's first movie and my first movie.

I started off writing TV adverts. I saw those as rehearsals for a feature film.

Let's put it this way: if I were to direct a feature film, I would not be in it.

My first experience on a feature film was with Shane Meadows on 'This Is England.'

'Saw' really came from that want, the aspiration to make a feature film on our own.

I did manage to secure a feature film for 2005, though, which I'm really chuffed about.

Trying to make a feature film yourself with no money is the best film school you can do.

I've not had any interest in running a movie studio, but I want to make one feature film.

My dream would be producing, maybe directing - definitely not writing - one feature film.

Dragon's Lair 3D is about as close as you can come to controlling an animated feature film.

I get better roles in television. I'm not going to do a lesser role just to be in a feature film.

I initially moved to Switzerland for work on an animated feature film, and have been here ever since.

People have been trying to make a two-hour feature film of 'Outlander' for years and years and years.

Directing on a 90-day schedule, whether for a TV series or a feature film, it's crazy; it's a marathon.

Our feature film, 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Two,' has a built-in fan base from the original film.

Feature film can have a major role in explaining ideas and describing peoples' lives and their struggles.

I've always wanted to do a feature film, because, as a model, you have to play so many different characters.

The writer is just so much more intimately involved in the television process than the feature film process.

I made a lot of short films before making a feature film. Actually, I learnt film-making by making short films.

The first writer I developed a script with was John Hughes, and that was 'Mr. Mom.' That was my first feature film.

When you're writing a feature film, the moment you begin Page 1, you are in a sweat that you're running out of pages.

'The Best Man' was my first feature film, and I didn't want to be known as a director who only does romantic comedies.

I dropped out of college and ended up making this feature film I wrote when I was 19 with some friends. It was terrible.

I never like to stick to one media; whether it's a TV series or feature film, I enjoy it and I like changing constantly.

When you're struggling to get a feature film off the ground, there's no big overarching tenure plan or anything like that.

I worked in feature film casting right out of college and spent a lot of time working with actors, directors, and producers.

By the time 'Dumbo's Circus' wrapped production of its 120 episodes, I had an agent, and I had scored my first feature film gig.

After a couple of attempts at making shorts, I decided to make a feature film with a friend, Tom Hall, whom I've worked with ever since.

Ever since I made the short film 'Black And White,' which had almost no dialogues, the idea of making a silent feature film fascinated me.

I'd love to win an Oscar; that would be great. I hope to get a feature film that I've made get a wide release. I'm not sure that's ever going to happen.

I have actually directed over thirty plays and about one hundred commercials for cable TV, but have not yet had the opportunity to direct a feature film.

I'm used to adapting my novels for feature film - it can be challenging to cut and compress three or four hundred pages into two hours of dramatic action.

For my first feature film, I just wanted to write something that people can relate to, something that was real. I really wanted it to hit home with people.

I want to do feature films. I am flying to Malaysia to be in another feature film. We will be filming that in Malaysia, the Phillipines, and back in California.

When I worked on 2001 - which was my first feature film - I was deeply and permanently affected by the notion that a movie could be like a first-person experience.

It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s.

I'd love to be in a feature film, and I don't just mean in a starring role - it could be a small part. And I would like to act in television, to do comedy and drama.

Right now I just finished writing the music for a Rugrats feature film and the third week of September I go to London, and the Orchestra is going to perform the score.

We did this film in 13 days, mind you. And 13 days is not very long for a feature film. Nobody in their right mind would argue that. Nobody in their right mind would do that.

I think feature film can be quite conservative, because you have to now get audiences to come out, and it's quite a hard thing to do. Of course, television can be conservative too.

When the BBC decided to bring Doctor Who back as a feature film a few years ago, one national newspaper ran a poll to ask its readers who should be the new Doctor, and I topped it.

I'm being photographed, worrying about my hair - and yet here I am, I've directed a feature film, why do I care about the way I look? Who cares? Does Tim Burton care? Does Joel Coen?

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