You rarely see a Filipino family on TV.

My worry is how to protect the Filipino.

I'm so Filipino. I'm fluent in Filipino.

I am so proud and so happy to be Filipino.

All I know is that I'm proud to be Filipino.

I have introduced Filipino culture to the world.

I am pure Filipino; both my parents are Filipino.

I was born in America, but I consider myself a Filipino.

I don't speak Filipino or Spanish, but I've sung in both.

What I enjoy the most about being Filipino is our culture.

My mom is Filipino and my dad is half Russian and half Irish.

Filipinos are called to be outstanding missionaries of faith in Asia

I found out that I was illegal when I was 16. I'm gay. I'm Filipino.

The only thing I can really offer the Filipino people is my sincerity.

I'm of Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent, and was raised on Hawaii.

It's in your DNA to be a Filipino; how can you just turn your back on it?

I was betting on cockfights in the Filipino workers' camps when I was 11.

Most of my background is Filipino and partly Chinese, but mostly Filipino.

It is very important for me to give forward in helping out every Filipino.

Within the Filipino community, everybody knows somebody who's undocumented.

My mother is black and my father is Filipino. I got the best of both worlds.

I see a lot of Filipino fans supporting me, so I want to give back the love.

Filipino food is not common when compared to your local Chinese food options.

Maybe he was Filipino. Was that in Asia? Probably. Asia's out-of-control huge.

I have not met a Filipino actor who didn't dream of working on an 'FPJ' remake.

I'm more Filipino than I am German. I guess I shouldn't be ashamed to say that.

Filipino businessmen must have the ability to compete freely in the global economy.

I'm open to do a Filipino drama if I like the role or if the plot is attractive to me.

In every Filipino family, the children always want to help the parents… that was my goal.

I'm fascinated by the Philippines because I'm from here. I was born here. I'm a Filipino.

I articulate the deepest need of the Filipino people, which is reform of a corrupt culture.

I am so grateful that my Filipino fans cheer me on and support me, even if I'm from far away.

Filipinos don't wallow in what is miserable and ugly. They recycle the bad into things of beauty.

How often, really, do you get a Filipino story line in a show? Not very often. I can't think of any.

My parents were the traditional Filipino parents who didn't talk about money around the dinner table.

The Filipino embraces civilization and lives and thrives in every clime, in contact with every people.

My life has been devoted to the upliftment of the Filipino by reestablishing his identity and dignity.

There's such a huge diaspora of Filipino workers around the world and I want to help tell their story.

A lot of Filipinas are really into fashion, and there are so many noted Filipino designers around the world.

The Philippines consists of different beautiful islands, so my Filipino fans are as beautiful and passionate.

I'm really proud to be Filipino. Filipinos are really supportive, and I want to thank all of them. I love them!

Back in the States, they actually liked hearing my Filipino accent. People I meet there found it very endearing.

Singing seems to be inherent in Filipino, just as it is in my race. That's why I have this affinity with Filipinos.

I want every Filipino woman empowered with information regarding all options available to her regarding family planning.

When you look at me, you can't really tell what I am, but I'm black, white, Native, Spanish, and a little bit of Filipino.

If it's needed for me to have a drop of Filipino blood, I am willing to get it from Makati Med. My heart really belongs here.

I eat the same foods almost every day. I have my favorites like Filipino beef broth, chicken soup with lots and lots of rice.

I've started my own record label - Jeepney Music - and I want to put out my own stuff and also stuff by other Filipino artists.

If there's a Filipino flag waving, whispers to me, 'Filipinos are over there!' And then I wave towards that direction.

I have carefully weighed the virtues and the faults of the Filipino and I have come to the conclusion that he is worth dying for.

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