I've been very fortunate to have had good financial support.

You do need money to make a good demo; you do need a bit of financial support.

Financial support is one thing, but I always think what becomes really sacrificial is your time.

I love what I do and know I'm good at it. It helps that I can get financial support along the way.

Liberty University will not lend its name or financial support to undermine marriage or to promote abortion.

We must set up large refugee camps outside the E.U. with armed security and financial support provided by the Union.

It's great to have financial support. But having someone's emotional support is something that I wish I had more of growing up.

Liberty University will not lend its name or financial support to any student group that advances causes contrary to its mission.

While they would have provided financial support if I had needed it, the greatest support my parents gave was emotional, psychological.

I had no financial support from my parents, but, I suppose, I did have moral support - although they really didn't know what was going on.

Motor sport is very expensive. It's unfortunate, because you see so much talent that never makes it to the top due to the lack of financial support.

When I first came to Seoul to start model work, I felt bad asking for financial support from my parents, so I lived in the sauna for about six months.

I think there's only one or two films where I've had all the financial support I needed. All the rest, I wish I'd had the money to shoot another ten days.

The GSEs became powerful advocates for their own bottom lines, providing substantial financial support for political candidates who supported the GSE agenda.

Gay marriage passed in New York because four Republican legislators crossed party lines. They did it in part because they had true bipartisan financial support.

Marriage can provide a bounty of emotional, practical, and financial support. But finding the right mate is no substitute for having friends and other interests.

If we didn't have the Albanian entrepreneurial spirit and financial support from the diaspora, this stupid political class would have destroyed the country by now.

One thing we're doing with the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, the nonprofit I direct, is providing financial support to journalists who were formerly middle-class.

We've offered direct financial support for a range of renewable energy sources, whether it be large-scale solar, whether it be geothermal, whether it be wave power or wind power.

And then you might decide that the country can just spend maybe years or decades to regain that credit, or maybe give that county the support, the financial support that the market is not willing not do.

Just imagine how many more cyclists could help save our cities and prevent further global warming by adopting electric bikes, if they received strategic and financial support similar to electric car drivers.

My parents couldn't give me a whole lot of financial support, but they gave me good genes. My dad is a handsome son-of-a-gun, and my mom is beautiful. And I've definitely been the lucky recipient. So, thank you, Mom and Dad.

Ultimately, Boris Johnson and the political and financial support behind his Brexit project are probably the biggest threat to both British democracy and the post-war welfare state settlement we've faced in the post-war period.

In functioning high-income countries, the government guarantees the provision of essential goods and services: medical care, transit between cities, supplies for public schools, financial support to weather a period of unemployment.

I never had any financial support or sponsors, and so I always had to, at every level, prove myself the hard way. I was five years in Japan before I got my debut at Le Mans. And I think this is a humble way to get through as a racing driver.

The Iranian regime gives financial support to terrorist organizations all over the world, denies the Holocaust, and calls for the wiping the state of Israel from the map, while developing long-range missiles and trying to obtain nuclear weapon.

We are still behaving as if a worker really doesn't have a family because the work pattern really was meant for men who really were the financial support but weren't looking after their families. We need to change this, and we can easily do that.

Now the main areas of higher education that still enjoy considerable financial support from government are subjects like engineering and science and the research ringfence which is the basic minimum to protect Britain's scientific competitiveness.

Made with Pencils is grounded in the creativity of a few, propelled by the financial support of many, and most importantly, it's empowering generations to come. A simple idea, a heartfelt desire, and a world of possibility. A pencil, a promise, and a dream.

My parents divorced, my brothers and I ended up living with my mother, and we were living with the choice of heating or eating. My mum was working, but she needed financial support to make ends meet. I had to have free school dinners and free school uniforms.

As my kids grow up, I think a lot about the lessons and values I want to impart to them. More than any particular skill or even financial support, I believe perseverance and resilience will serve them best, regardless of what curveball life inevitably throws them.

The strength of the scientific establishment in any country is related to its general level of education, not only in supplying large numbers of eager minds for further training, but also in ensuring a public opinion that holds science in esteem and approves financial support.

Usually it is good to spread some light. The problem is that lakhs of people, like our workers, small-scale businesses, the tourism sector, restaurants, holiday resorts, lakhs of them, are in trouble and we should be able to spread light to them. For that, good financial support is needed.

Key to success for the education of young African girls is building a model that works with communities, schools, and national Ministries of Education to build a system of protection and support around girls, ensuring that they receive the education that is their right. Financial support is provided alongside a social support system.

I was not proficient in Latin and so was not able to go to Oxford or Cambridge. However, I did enter the first-rate chemistry honours program at the University of Manchester in 1950, where the professors were E.R.H. Jones and M.G. Evans, and graduated in 1953, with the financial support of a Blackpool Education Committee Scholarship.

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