Save others, snatching them out of the fire.

Well may hee smell fire, whose gowne burnes.

Wind indeed increases fire, but custom love.

You know your Lamborghini is on fire, right?

Stay in the spiritual fire. Let it cook you.

There's plenty of fire in the coldest flint!

I've been tested by fire, and the fire lost.

To play at Chesse when the house is on fire.

A thought often makes us hotter than a fire.

Fire, if neglected, will soon gain strength.

I guess all that's left is to love the fire.

Anger is fire. It burns inside. It destroys.

My pamphlet did not set the Torrens on fire.

Corncobs are the greatest fire-making tinder.

Commitment is the match that lights the fire.

I will take what is mine with fire and blood.

I want more of this feeling - fire and wings.

A litle wind kindles; much puts out the fire.

I don't go around fire expectin' not to sweat

A match made in heaven set the fires in hell.

Content is fire and social media is gasoline.

I've been putting out the fire with gasoline.

Shams, my body is a candle touched with fire.

Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

Hatred is a cold fire, and it gives no warmth.

Love, a brilliant fire, to gladden or consume.

Pain wanders through my bones like a lost fire

It's a dangerous fire begins in the bed-straw.

In the church of my heart the choir is on fire

Fire is the Sun unwinding from the tree's log.

When you're born in fire, smoke will never do.

You had better run from me. My words are fire.

Love's fire heats water, water cools not love.

Fire is always ready to burn the hand it warms.

Location: Amsterdam, Where Fire Is Called "Vlam

You cannot fan the flames and condemn the fire.

You must desire the fire, and claim your flame!

With bombs and fires, you get only one mistake.

Be careful how quickly you give away your fire.

If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

The wind which snuffs the candle fans the fire.

Fiction, on the other hand, is like swamp fire.

Blaze with the fire that is never extinguished.

A critic is a soldier that fires on his own men.

The devil fears hearts on fire with love of God.

Desire for gain and fear of loss burn like fire.

I never see thy face but I think upon hell-fire.

I've never felt like my career has been on fire.

I have my own soul. My own spark of divine fire.

That from small fires comes oft no small mishap.

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