Firemen have the coolest toys ever!

I grew up in a family of firemen and cops.

Brave people are the firemen who run into the burning building. That's brave.

I am going to give the moral support of the presidency to the police and firemen.

Like other kids wanted to become firemen or astronauts, I wanted to make people laugh.

There's a certain kind of guy, a certain kind of humor, that goes with Irish cops and firemen.

We don't take care of our teachers and our cops and our firemen. They should be at the top of our list.

British aren't really known for their physical loveliness but firemen, generally speaking, are gorgeous.

Firemen have a culture of death. There are rituals, carefully constructed for the living, to process the dead.

I have such a deeper respect for firemen knowing how much they get paid and how much they put themselves on the line.

My buddies wanted to be firemen, farmers or policemen, something like that. Not me, I just wanted to steal people's money!

I am responsible for managing more schoolteachers' and firemen's money than anybody in the world. That's an enormous responsibility.

Police officers and firemen are so visible in their daily work, there's no mistaking they're there - and that presence makes people feel secure.

Firemen can do almost everything. You already trust them in life-threatening situations; why not let them help you with your everyday problems, too?

There were a lot of choices to make and I always picked artist. I never once picked doctor, lawyer, firemen or something like that. It was always artist.

Put your idol worship on firemen or a schoolteacher or a rescue worker or a first-aid worker or Doctors Without Borders. I love those guys. Those are your heroes.

Pray for someone else's child, your pastor, the military, the police officers, the firemen, the teachers, the government. There's no end to the ways that you can intervene on behalf of others through prayer.

The closest fires were near enough for us to hear the crackling flames and the yells of firemen. Little fires grew into big ones even as we watched. Big ones died down under the firemen's valor only to break out again later.

I grew up in a small town in West Virginia called Kenova. It's the city where the plane crashed from Marshall University. I watched the mountain burn, and my cousins were the volunteer firemen. I was 6 years old at the time.

Any New Yorker who even thinks of voting for Ted Cruz should have their head examined, Really, here's a guy who refused to sign onto the 9/11 health care act for the cops and firemen. Here's a guy who talks about New York values.

In the context of September 11, there were so many that lost their lives that - how do you single out one person? There were so many acts of heroism that day from so many people, whether it be firemen and police officers in New York and our agents also.

I played in front of every conceivable audience you could face: an all-black audience, all-white, firemen's fairs, policemen's balls, in front of supermarkets, bar mitzvahs, weddings, drive-in theaters. I'd seen it all before I ever walked into a recording studio.

I look at it like this: you may only sell 20,000 to 100,000 albums. But those albums are going to be heard by future doctors, lawyers, judges, firemen, etc. Those albums are being sold to the right people that move society. They're interested in what you have to say.

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