I have a flirtatious personality.

I'm very flirtatious, and I enjoy it.

I am flirtatious by nature, but I have never hurt anyone.

More flirtatious than me. I couldn't work it like she did.

I'm friendly - maybe that's taken as flirtatious. Which I don't mind!

In 'Drama,' I play a flirtatious girl who uses her femininity to get things done.

Sometimes I think I might insult people by being openly flirtatious, then snatching it back.

Tension can be useful, exciting, flirtatious, strength-building, or destructive. Put yourself in charge of how you direct it.

Non-consensual, sexual advances are not the same as flirtatious comments from a creepy dude. The degree of harassment matters.

The shiny red color of the soles has no function other than to identify to the public that they are mine. I selected the color because it is engaging, flirtatious, memorable, and the color of passion.

I am just like Dr. Armaan - fun-loving, flirtatious, and tension-free. I am serious about my work, but apart from that, I am always playing pranks on people. As a viewer, I relate more to 'Dil Mill Gayye.'

The men's dance style in dancehall is territorial, but it's also flirtatious and it's also showing off strength by way of smooth movement that you can only do if you're really strong. It has so much attitude.

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