I came from a long line of football players.

You can't have enough good football players.

Top-flight football players are a strange bunch.

We are football players and we like to win games.

Football players have some bodies! Oh my goodness!

Wrestlers are a bunch of wanna-be football players.

Football players are creative when they're in the moment.

Football players have a great life, but we're only human.

Systems win you nothing, and football players win you games.

Ohio State University puts out some very fine football players.

Football is such a great game, but football players are so dull.

I have a lot of college football players in my Brain Bank with CTE.

Most schools, the football players are kind of the kings in school.

There aren't many football players other than kickers who are Latin.

I was an outcast. I was from a town of wrestlers and football players.

You always attempt to better yourself by getting good football players.

Football players value job security and stability as much anybody else.

Football players have to grow up very fast. It's a tough life sometimes.

Football players cannot be wrestlers. Wrestling is a much tougher sport.

Normal athletes couldn't do what Premier League football players can do.

Football players should always remember there's a whole lot more to life.

Harvard has plenty of people that are way more important than football players.

A lot of kids, especially football players, had been using Twitter for recruiting.

There is so many good people in Africa. And a huge talent among the football players.

Football players are misunderstood. They aren't the dumb jocks people think they are.

I feel like football players are overworked and underpaid compared to any other sports.

Without a doubt, one of the toughest football players to ever play the game is Tom Brady.

While we glorify football players for their accomplishments on the field, they are not heroes.

There are a lot of good football players in the league. You just try to keep yourself grounded.

I'd followed the strange deaths of pro football players for years, sensing something odd going on.

As football players, our bodies know exactly what time of year it is and what we need to be doing.

I was in the top 1 percent of football players. Indie guys are in the bottom 95 percent of wrestlers.

So many kids want to be football players, and to still feel like I'm living the dream at 37 is amazing.

In football, there are so many great football players like Eden Hazard, Roberto Lewandowski and Neymar.

As football players you have all the experience on the field. You don't have the experience off the field.

The best football players in the world still earn very little money compared to people who really earn money.

If you get into a fight, don't take your helmet off. We're looking for smart football players, not dumb ones.

A football club's board of directors' job is to attract and get the best football players and keep them at the football club.

I play football, and most football players are camera shy. We just want to be left alone; we just want to stick to what we do.

I think a lot of times with football players, we're just head down, grinding away, maybe not enjoying it as much as we should.

Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field?

Our daily work ethic - that need to always do better and top our last performance - is what makes USWNT football players who we are.

In Oklahoma, the girls like the big football players. Girls were more interested in those guys, and I was, like, kind of a drama kid.

You walk into a room and there's already judgment. You know, like football players can't act or you're going to come in and be stiff.

I'm proud to be an actor. See, as an actor, you live longer. Football players, the brain and all that stuff, ooh-eee, that's not good.

I'm 28, your career is a long time. We're not tennis players or football players. I'm just about reaching what should be my peak year.

We are all football players and we are here to do our best. You want to work hard in training and we will see what happens at a weekend.

I hope that all the Indian football players who will be with me under my coaching will show their talent and come out with great success.

I was at one time a football wife, and there is a certain level of bonding that happens between women who are the wives of football players.

Charles Barkley, Clyde Drexler and I used to argue for hours about who the best athletes are. I thought football players were better overall.

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