I'm a big Fred Armisen fan.

Fred Astaire is my real idol.

I was a big Fred Flintstone fan.

Fred Astaire was my dream dancer.

Fred Willard still makes me laugh.

Fred Armisen does a pretty good me.

I'm definitely not as crazy as Fred!

Fred Thompson was a law partner of mine.

I'm just really proud of 'Dead Head Fred.'

I have a ton of respect for Fred Van Vleet.

I can sing as well as Fred Astaire can act.

I would love to see a real story about Fred Hampton.

I'm really influenced by Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

From Fred Astaire I learned discipline and hard work.

The Fred Astaire movies made a huge impression on me.

I have talent crushes on Fred Armisen and Kyle Mooney.

I have always been Fred Durst and I've always been me.

If you didn't know Fred Claire, you didn't know anyone.

My father, Fred Carter, Jr., is definitely an extraordinaire.

I had two wonderful teachers: Sanford Melsner and Fred Kareman.

When Fred Astaire danced, everything in this world was perfect.

You can compare Fred and Barney Rubble with Gleason and Carney.

My father danced a lot. He was called 'the French Fred Astaire.'

I want to do with skates what Fred Astaire is doing with dancing.

I loved Fred Astaire's way of dancing. He led you into the dance.

My mom always had me and my brother watching old Fred Astaire movies.

Fred Sanger was one of the most important scientists of the 20th century.

Did any artist ever bring more pure joy to more people than Fred Astaire?

I'm a huge fan of Alice Hoffman, Fred Chappell and Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

Once upon a time, a man named Fred Rogers decided that he wanted to live in heaven.

Fred Moten is a poet I really love because he changes who is telling the poem all the time.

What Fred Lebow went through was an inspiration for me. You have to set goals for yourself.

I studied dancing for 13 years. And loved to dance. Always wanted to dance with Fred Astaire.

No dancer can watch Fred Astaire and not know that we all should have been in another business.

Fred Astaire was a more formal, trained dancer who loved waltzing and only danced with the girls.

I've worked with Fred Upton, and I think we've got a lot of common agreement on energy production.

My uncle, who was a little more flamboyant, always said the guy who dressed the best was Fred Astaire.

Fred Bumaye shows great promise as a young filmmaker with a passion for story and the cinematic language.

I dug up my dad's old Fred Astaire tapes, and now I find him super-inspiring. He's, like, one of the best dancers.

Unlike Fred and Paddy, I don't get many offers of work other than 'Top Gear,' because I'm crap at everything else.

She was just the most wonderful mother. She loved working with Fred Astaire - she would talk about working with him.

I've always had an innate ability to dance, but I'm not as spiffy as those cinema legends like Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire.

Fred Astaire was retired when he worked in 'The Pleasure of His Company.' They were lucky to get him to play the father part.

Freddie Mercury and I both loved to have a laugh on tour. If there were shenanigans and good times, Fred and I would be there.

Whether it's Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire or 'West Side Story,' see it on the big screen. That's the way we should appreciate it.

I spent an entire evening seated between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, being charmed from either side. It was pure Hollywood magic.

I acted three times with Fred MacMurray, three times with Martin and Lewis, four times with Rock Hudson. Three times with Glenn Ford.

I don't expect to win every battle but I think Fred Pierce has enough respect for me that I can go fight my battles and win my share.

I try not to repeat myself too often, but it's a gamble. 'Fred Claus' had three Oscar winners in it. No business - it was a bad movie.

It was an old cricket coach who started calling me Fred - as in Flintstone. There are far worse things to be called in the dressing room.

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