Guys move around in free agency.

Every player looks forward to free agency.

I don't think it's right to think ahead to free agency.

I am dead set against free agency. It can ruin baseball.

Black people have no reason to fear political free agency.

Free agency is free agency. I love when NBA players get paid.

I play baseball. I don't deal with trades, free agency, any of that stuff.

I've got to play free agency out, and I've got to look at all of my options.

That's part of free agency. You can go where you want at the end of the day.

The timeline is kind of coming to an end as far as leading up to free agency.

When I entered free agency, I said whatever team I end up on, I'm going to work.

In the NBA, you're never immune to rumors and trade rumors and free agency stuff.

As precious as life itself is our heritage of individual freedom, for man's free agency is a God-given gift.

Just because you go to free agency doesn't mean you don't want to be somewhere. It's just a part of the business.

The hardest thing about free agency is sometimes you want it right away but you have to wait and see see what happens.

You are free to choose what you want to make of your life. It's called free agency or free will, and it's your birthright.

It's been humbling to have multiple teams interested in me and have people talking about my free agency and what I should do.

Like any year, any year with any team, you're always going to look to the draft to help strengthen your roster and free agency.

Free agency screws everybody's allegiances up. Whether it be football, baseball, hockey, basketball, whatever it may be. It's really hard.

News writing and sports writing have become synonymous. And it started with, you know, free agency, and now it's in the concussion debate.

It's hard to change a roster around. You've got to hit your draft picks right, you've gotta hit free agency right, and a team's got to fit together.

It's kind of tough as you're playing you kind of wonder what is going to happen to you as you go through arbitration or as you go through free agency.

To be candid with you, free agency hurts all sports. It's great for athletes making an enormous amount of money. But to say it helps the sports, I don't believe that.

When you go into free agency and have options, any team is up for you to be on - and the Raiders, obviously with me having been there for so long, have a great shot at it.

Free agency, given us through the plan of our Father, is the great alternative to Satan's plan of force. With this sublime gift, we can grow, improve, progress, and seek perfection.

The hardest thing to do in this league is to get a proven star. It's just very hard to do. It's hard to do in free agency; it's hard to do in trades. You get very few opportunities to do it.

No matter how much technology changes scouting, no matter how much free agency and big TV contracts change the business of baseball, I hope and pray that the heart of the game will never change.

My job, when it comes to free agency, trades, is not to pick players, but support the personnel department and the coaching staff. We have to have the financial resources to make things happen and that's my job.

I think free agency changed the league more than the money. Teams had to build better facilities, coaches had to develop more personal relationships with the players and recruiting became such a big part of winning and losing.

Today, free agency takes away a lot of your heroes, they go somewhere else. Some of them don't but a lot of them do-take the higher offer to go somewhere else. And, it turns the fans off because they get attached to the players.

You know, my first nine years I only played for two teams, Chicago and New York. And the only reason I got traded from New York was the 2010 free agency period, when they had a chance to sign LeBron and D-Wade and that whole class, and I understood that. But from there it's kind of been a roller coaster.

I think it's hard to compare the NBA and the WNBA, but the thing about the NBA is they just have a ton of movement every year, but the WNBA doesn't. Free agency is not set up that way; the money is obviously not set up that way, so when one player moves, it could set the stage for, literally, like, six or seven years.

I wanted to learn how the business worked. I wanted to see how people got drafted, how players got traded, how they got picked up in free agency, how the salary cap worked, how do you manage an organization, how do you negotiate contracts. The Bulls gave me an excellent opportunity to answer all the questions that I wanted to ask.

You acquire all this new talent through the draft, through free agency, always having roster moves. And so being able to bring all of that together through training camp... you keep asking yourself that question of just how well can they join together and play together, and you don't know until you start playing in July and August.

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