We be tight like frogs ass.

Friendship's full of dregs.

Friendship is full of dregs.

Friends are thieves of time.

I'll be your crying shoulder.

Volunteers are caring friends

It's a drought in your brain.

My brother is my best friend.

No friendship is an accident.

Once you pledge, don't hedge.

Your friends love you anyway.

Equals make the best friends.

We never touch but at points.

Opposition is true friendship.

My best friend was Aboriginal.

Art thou a friend to Roderick?

A joy shared is a joy doubled.

Friendship's the wine of life.

I'm married to my best friend!

With you, I would walk anywhere

You're dumb, but don't give in.

She's a warm fart at Christmas.

Love is friendship set on fire.

I love you and I'm here for you.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stoopid.

Love is friendship set to music.

There is no friendship in trade.

Friendship is a sheltering tree.

Friends are proved by adversity.

Let us be kinder to one another.

Keep your friendships in repair.

Two in distressmake sorrow less.

You're baloney without the mayo.

True friendship is never serene.

Only my dogs will not betray me.

Your friend will argue with you.

I don't trust him. We're friends.

My friends, there are no friends.

I take friendship very seriously.

The best mirror is an old friend.

friendship is love made bearable.

Friends are the sunshine of life.

Friends make life a lot more fun.

Be liked and you will never want.

You can never lose a true friend.

All my friends are so small town.

Frienship is eros...without wings

Let your best be for your friend.

Treat your friend as a spectacle.

Friends are the family we choose.

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