Fundamentalism is still on the march.

Fundamentalism is dictatorship of the mind

I'm opposed to fundamentalism in any form.

Faith minus vulnerability is fundamentalism

I don't believe in any kind of fundamentalism.

Islamic fundamentalism is attacking us at home.

Fundamentalism isn't about religion, it's about power.

Nobody can deny there is a rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

Our enemy is hatred - the hatred inherent in fundamentalism.

I cannot comprehend fundamentalism. It's fundamentally wrong.

Fundamentalism is only a problem if the fundamentals are a problem

Elite fundamentalism has always been on the corporate side of things.

I am a humble adherent of...Enlightenment Rationalist Fundamentalism.

It will take a decade or two, but fundamentalism is going to burn itself.

We do not want to live under the yoke of the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

Arab-led Islamic fundamentalism destabilizes nations from Algeria to the Philippines.

Fundamentalism, as practiced by the Taliban, is the enemy of real thought, and religion too.

It's important to produce economic development. Fundamentalism develops even faster with misery.

Palestinian ideology has become a lethal cocktail of radical nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I really don't want to offend anybody, but I find all forms of religious fundamentalism frightening.

Authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism and militarism are inherently patriarchal and hierarchical.

In Iran, fundamentalism was fuelled to an extent by the regime of the Shah being supported by the West.

When demagogues and dictators ban art, this is the reason: art is the great solvent of obedient fundamentalism.

Environmentalism is a form of pagan fundamentalism. These green wackos are fanatics like al-Quaida. Just like them.

Fundamentalism - of any variety - is a form of illiteracy, in that it asserts that it is necessary to read only one book.

The key to tackling Islamist fundamentalism and terrorism from the Islamist community is in the hands of moderate Muslims.

I truly believe that fundamentalism stems from unemployment. A man without a job is desperate; he doesn't want to live anyway.

The fight against terrorism and fundamentalism knows no frontier. We need to act together and to step up cooperation at a global level.

I would like to promote internal change in Iran - which is more likely if we don't fuse Iranian nationalism with Iranian fundamentalism.

In 'Bombay-London-New York,' I speak of the ways in which the 'soft' emotion of nostalgia is turned into the 'hard' emotion of fundamentalism.

Well, I think the worst part about tribalism is its tendency to fundamentalize, and if I can fight fundamentalism in any of its forms I'm happy.

I regard Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, and all other forms of fundamentalism, as the enemies of God - and I hope you'll quote me on that.

Satire has been a sanctuary historically monopolized by progressives, originally used as a discreet tool against Western religious fundamentalism.

I remain optimistic. What we've seen in Europe and the rest of the world is that freedom has a much stronger attraction than radical fundamentalism.

We seem to be the victims of religious dogma, both from the Christian Right here and, of course, in the East with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

I'm not altogether certain that a fundamentalism of necessity has to argue that it is the only reading of the human experience in order to stay alive.

Fundamentalism is rooted in fear, and it's another reason I'm interested in the horror genre, because I know the fear that fundamentalism is built upon.

I am a woman, and as such, I experience the ever-increasing restrictions on our liberty in our country through the development of Islamic fundamentalism.

Fundamentalism does mean reading quite conservatively and literally, saying 'the Bible is the word of God and we have to follow it. What it says is this.'

As you look at the flow of Muslim fundamentalism, or fundamentalism in various areas and various religions, they all play on the people who have very little.

Today's Islamic fundamentalism is also a cover for political motifs. We should not overlook the political motifs we encounter in forms of religious fanaticism.

In times of conflict, war, poverty or religious fundamentalism, women and children are the first and most numerous victims. Women need all their courage today.

We have to review our foreign policy and stop rolling out the red carpet for countries we know to be funding fundamentalism: countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Rebuilding Afghanistan is not going to be solved by pouring billions in. Getting rid of the Taliban does not rid us of the problems of fundamentalism and instability.

It is necessary to name the enemy of human civilization, and this enemy is international terrorism associated with religious fundamentalism and religious intolerance.

The scientists who attack mainstream religion, rather than striving for peaceful coexistence with it, damage science, and also weaken the fight against fundamentalism.

We've finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don't want to fight it. They would except that it would put them on the same side as the United States.

I enjoy being Jewish, but I'm an atheist... I hate fundamentalism in all its forms. Jews, Catholics, Baptists, I think they are all potty and capable of destroying the world.

Mosques where sharia law prevails - they exist in France. Refusing to see that means that we do equate Islam with Islamic fundamentalism. We have to denounce and eradicate it.

Fundamentalism is such a pejorative word and immediately evokes images of angry extremism. In my experience, that's not usually what it looks like. I was a fundamentalist in high school.

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