When I prepare for a game the names are not really important to me.

It's important for me to understand more about my swing and my game, no matter who I end up working with.

To me, it's like we're already in the playoffs. Every game is important for our position. We can't relax at all.

For me, fielding and running between the wickets are two things that are very important. For that, you need to motivate the guys about how much of an effect it will have on the game.

What was important to me was entertaining the audience, and whether that meant winning, losing, singing, or whatever it was on the live show we were doing every week, which was awesome, I was game for it.

It was important for me, when I left a club like Liverpool, to one, have a breather, but then my next job, I needed pressure. And there's a pressure at Celtic. It's a huge club; there's an expectancy to win every game.

It seems astounding to me now that the video games are perhaps as important as the movie themselves. And people will spend 2 or 3 years obsessing about the video game in exactly the same way that they'd be obsessing about the movie if they were working on that.

I always tried to be an all-around player. In college, I felt like I needed to add to my game to get to another level, to get to the NBA. The NBA has really turned to positionless basketball, so it was very important to me to have an all-around game so I could stand out in front of other guys.

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