I'm an athlete in general.

People are rude in general.

I'm a big sports fan in general.

I don't go to parties in general.

I'm very happy being attorney general.

I'm not a very patient person in general.

In general, the spotlight has been on me.

Nothing is so useless as a general maxim.

In general, I don't like formality at all.

I just love music, in general. I love art.

Apple doesn't do hobbies as a general rule.

The black community is broken up in general.

I'm a big fan of matching outfits in general.

I'm not good at remembering things, in general.

Just politics in general is a disgusting thing.

My opinion is not valuable to the general public.

Being happy in general makes life so much easier.

Is not general incivility the very essence of love?

It takes 15,000 casualties to train a major general.

The president of General Motors was in a foul humor.

I'm an optimist about humanity in general, I suppose.

The more specific you are, the more general it'll be.

I'm just very obsessed with Japanese stuff in general.

Rap in general has never been my steez, but I like it.

In general, people are administered drugs too readily.

I met the surgeon general - he offered me a cigarette.

No rule is so general, which admits not some exception.

In general, every country has the language it deserves.

As attorney general, I've led a victim-centered office.

Reality, in general, in my opinion, has gotten blurred.

I don't think actresses' lives in general are very good.

I thought Star Wars was too wacky for the general public.

In general, I like contradictions and complex situations.

I have a lot of energy in general, and I am pretty crazy.

In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.

As a general rule, people disappoint you as you know them.

A good general always makes you search for his weaknesses.

Courtesy is only a thin veneer on the general selfishness.

I have no problems or issues with screenwriting in general.

No one is above temptation. No one is above life in general.

The general revolt of a Nation cannot be called a Rebellion.

I am afraid I am totally hermetic to social games in general.

I got a lot of vinyl, a lot of music in general in the house.

My general audition song is almost always 'Man That Got Away.'

I want to be a giving woman and just a nice person in general.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

I'm a good audience in general, but it's hard to make me laugh.

Man in general, if reduced to himself, is too wicked to be free.

You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

I think people in general have neglected to learn about history.

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