The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.

The irony is I stopped going to church a few weeks later.

Volleyball is like going to church ... many attend, but few understand.

Worshiping the earth is more fun than going to church. It's also closer.

But I don't necessarily define my faith by going to church every Sunday.

Stop going to church everywhere and start belonging to church somewhere.

The one pleasure that never palls is the pleasure of not going to church.

Do you look forward to going to church, or is it something you do out of obligation?

To a true believer, death is but going to church: from the church below to the church above.

I'm definitely not a traditionalist, because a traditionalist would be going to church every Sunday.

I walked away from going to church when I was 8. I didn't set foot in another church until I was 28.

All over this nation, all over this world there are people going to church today and they say they are believers, but until you can take what you've been taught and bring it to the place you gave up - you will never be the radical believer that you need to be for the times in which we live.

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