There is a good and a bad way to handle everything.

Our good intentions have gotten in our own way and it's bad for immigrants.

The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away.

The only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones.

Forgiveness has an uncanny way of bringing incredible good out of incredibly bad situations.

Guys like Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Garnett, they'll take bad criticism in a good way.

A lot of comics make good actors. Actors make bad comics. They can't do it the other way round.

Everyone has their good and bad days. You just have to go with the flow and make the most of whatever comes your way.

Of every ten persons who talk about you, nine will say something bad, and the tenth will say something good in a bad way.

As human beings, we are all flawed. And just like there is a good side, there is also a bad side waiting to find its way out.

It's not about you playing when everything is going good, it's how you react when things are going bad and not going your way.

When I want something really badly, whether it's good or bad, I never stop until I get it. It's part of the way I was brought up.

The way British publishing works is that you go from not being published no matter how good you are, to being published no matter how bad you are.

In a very complex way, things have improved in the dramatic field. Before you had the good and the bad and you couldn't mingle them. Now it's more ambiguous.

If we must have the Production Code, then I think the only way to use it effectively is to judge a film as a whole and determine whether its effect is good or bad.

The same way that I know that I'll never do a movie as good or as celebrated as 'Forrest Gump,' I know that I'll never do a movie as bad as 'Bonfire of the Vanities.'

I also used these realistic sounds in a psychological way. With The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, I used animal sounds - as you say, the coyote sound - so the sound of the animal became the main theme of the movie.

I sit on the bench, and I watch even my teammates swing, so you can learn from them when they make a bad swing or good swing. I like to watch from the rookie to the veteran player, and that way you can see the difference and learn something from them.

To prepare adequately for the challenge of global warming, we must acknowledge both the good and the bad that it will bring. If our starting point is to prove that Armageddon is on its way, we will not consider all of the evidence, and will not identify the smartest policy choices.

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