Judd Trump's bedrock of his game is potting good long pots, getting in, creating a chance, and winning frames at one visit.

You've just got to play yourself at the end of the day - just try and keep to your game, keep focused and if you can do that, you've got a good chance of beating anyone.

We have four parts of our game: working against the ball; in possession; losing the ball; winning the ball. If you are good in all four parts, you have a good chance of winning.

Quarterbacks running in the SEC typically translate over well to the pro game. If you can run, take off and get 10 yards here and there against SEC defenses, there's a good chance that you can do that at the NFL level as well.

I think every part of your game, on this golf course, needs to be good. You've got to hit every club in the bag. You need to drive it well, hit your irons well, and always, if you want to have a chance to win a Major, then you've got to putt it well.

I have always thought if there is a game, and there have been a lot of fouls on me, then I have been playing well for the team, so that means we're having a good match. You can win a free-kick when there's a foul, and that's a chance to score a goal.

Despite what you hear about the publishing industry being a fixed game that you can only get in if you know somebody, I'm here in person to tell you it ain't so. If your stuff is really any good, sooner or later some editor will take a chance on you.

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