They want to know I'm doing good, the fans do.

I don't know that there are any short cuts to doing a good job.

But if you're doing something and you don't know why you're doing it, then it's good to reflect on the intentionality behind it.

I have a crusade against fondant, also shortening. There's no reason why wedding cakes can't taste good if you know what you're doing.

But as a reporter, that's how you know you're doing a good job - when no one's talking about you. And something has gone wrong if they are.

I had been, you know, held in the closet for two months and, you know, abused in all manner of ways. I was very good at doing what I was told.

If it's something quite low-key then I'll often do my own makeup. But for something like a premiere, it's good to have a makeup artist because they know what they're doing.

It is in the public interest to know what our governors are up to. If they are up to doing good, then they are only too happy to let us know. When they are up to no good, they want that kept secret.

Little did I know that earning a living at stand-up is the hardest thing you can do. But once I started doing it, I just loved it, and I realized that I was actually kinda good at it, and then that was it.

It felt like the first thing, but when I first started out, I got a job adapting a book by Russell Banks called 'Rule Of The Bone.' I didn't do a very good job. I didn't really know what I was doing in general, let alone how to adapt a book.

I think why I was attracted to making something with Vice is that level of intimacy that you get as the viewer, getting to see some of that production element where we don't exactly know what we're doing, where we're going, or even if it's a good idea.

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