I've got a good set of eyeballs on me, so I can spot talent.

I never was able to do karate. That's calling me a good actor. I act like I can do anything.

I'm obsessed with books. When a good book hits me, it's all I can think about and all I can do.

As far as my athletic ability, I can pretty much do it all. You can put me at linebacker and I'll do a good job.

You want me to play kicker or punter, all I gotta do is get a good stretch in and warm my foot up. I think I can kick the ball, too.

I have good mid-range shot and I can shoot threes, but in Europe coaches didn't want me to shoot outside because I was tall and big.

Writing has never been like therapy for me, but blogging comes a little closer - I can smack-talk freely and frequently, and this is good for me.

I learned so much stuff at Hoffenheim and made a lot of friends. I also made good connections with the managers. They taught me a lot that I can take on in my career.

There's a lot of different ways of playing quarterback, and there's a lot of different situations. So that's why, for me, if I can keep my mindset the same, if I can stay consistent in how I prepare, then I'm good.

The FA Cup as a tournament was very good to me. I'd like to think I can still have some association with that because it was the Ronnie Radford goal for Hereford against Newcastle which really put me on the map in 1972.

I think the end goal, hopefully, is to take advantage of the attention I've gotten along the way and use it for good and build some communities, and as I get older I can continue to do things and be surrounded by things that are inspirational to me.

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