It's very important to feel good, but I know it's hard sometimes to look in the mirror.

Every woman needs to look in the mirror and instinctively decide what will make her feel happy and good about herself and her body; that's all I did.

If you look in the mirror and think, 'Boy, my body needs a good dose of middle management,' keep in mind that tummy fat could be the result of many things.

You have to look in the mirror and see that what you're wearing looks good on the body you have now. Wearing a larger size is just... wearing a larger size.

Citizen activists look in the mirror, see what they're really good at and then apply their talents to solving social problems. It's skills-based volunteering.

Take a picture of you in a mirror or/and get somebody to take a photo of you and look back at it, it's quite a good way to figure out what suits you and looks good.

I've always believed that how you look is a self-fulfilling prophecy: When you wake up, get dressed and look in the mirror, if you think you look good, most likely you will.

In no small part I think all of us kind of look in the mirror and feel good or not feel good about the person we seen in the mirror in no small part because of the jobs we have.

I always wear beige, black or white. For one thing I look good in them. For another, when I'm beside a star at a fitting, and she looks into the mirror, I don't want to be competing in any way.

Of course, the genesis of a good portion of the gridlock in Congress does not reside in Congress itself. Ultimate reform will require each of us, as voters and Americans, to take a long look in the mirror, because in many ways, our representatives in Washington reflect the people who have sent them there.

I believe that good television should be challenging and frustrating and maddening and thrilling. If you just want to see people who look like you and think like you and do what you would do in any given situation, you'd have to stop looking at TV and start looking in a mirror. But would that be as much fun?

The good reviews that people have told me about through the years haven't really helped me do my job. So it's kind of like, if your hair turns out right you want to go out, you don't just want to stay in and look in the mirror. That's kind of what reading a review is like to me; it's like reveling in something that's just one night.

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