Whole communities have been devastated as good-paying jobs continue to leave the U.S.

Extending the GI bill benefits to ensure veterans receive the support they need for good-paying jobs is critical.

We're focused on creating good-paying jobs of the future, where Kentucky has the opportunity to lead the country.

More effective than giving away half my fortune before I die is finding a way to help people have a good-paying job.

I believe climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs.

The H-1B program was never intended to create a pool of foreign labor that displaces Americans' opportunities for good-paying jobs.

Clean energy is the ultimate growth strategy for our economy - one that would add millions more good-paying jobs right here in the United States.

We want New Hampshire to be a haven for entrepreneurs and inventors - the people who are creating the products and good-paying jobs of the future.

I believe Kentucky has a big, bright future, with more good-paying jobs and opportunities for families to get ahead in every single one of our 120 counties.

Unfair trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement eviscerated good-paying manufacturing jobs, putting more than 3 million U.S. workers out of work.

By making college unaffordable and student loans unbearable, we risk deterring our best and brightest from pursuing higher education and securing a good-paying job.

There is no question that we, as a country, need to deal with economic inequality across the country, and we need to make sure we have good-paying jobs for everyone.

You see, we all want the same things. We want to be able to take care of our families, provide for our children, to have a roof over our heads and a good-paying job.

I'm fighting to do right by our neighbors by expanding access to affordable health care, improving public education, respecting our workers, and creating more good-paying jobs.

By all working together, we can beat Matt Bevin and actually create more good-paying jobs, boost wages for workers, expand access to health care, and improve our public schools.

Raising the minimum wage seems to all economists to, at the very least, fail to 'raise' employment, and we'd all like to see better inclusion of low-skilled workers into good-paying jobs.

We didn't start this war - the right wing did. We're tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped overseas. This fight is about the economy, it's about jobs and it's about rebuilding America.

We're fighting to lift up Kentucky workers by creating more good-paying jobs, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, expanding access to health care, and making public education a top priority.

There is still much work to be done to help our students secure good-paying jobs and achieve their ultimate goals, and in Congress, I'll continue to support Career and Technical Education programs.

Climate change is a matter of great peril but also one of great promise. We can pioneer the industries of the future, create millions of good-paying jobs, and build the clean energy economy of the future.

We have a lot of employers who are looking for skilled workers and not being able to find them. And we have workers who lack the requisite skills to access these good-paying jobs in high growth industries.

This 21st century economy holds great promise for our people. But unless we give all Americans the skills they need to succeed, countries like India and China will take good-paying jobs that should be ours.

I think when Donald Trump looks at the energy sector, he sees that as a place to really create wealth for this country and for individuals, to put Americans back to work with good-paying jobs that have benefits.

Instead of attacking and dividing our people, I'll be a governor who is fully committed to respecting the hard work of our families by fighting for good-paying jobs and expanding access to affordable health care.

The Keystone Pipeline would create good-paying jobs. Not only where the pipeline is being built, good-paying construction jobs, but manufacturing and service opportunities in Colorado along with the Keystone Pipeline.

While Matt Bevin only helps his special interest donors, I care about expanding access to affordable health care for our families and making sure workers have the training and skills they need to get good-paying jobs.

In Kansas, we are uniquely positioned to capitalize on renewable energy, as our region has some of the highest wind production potential in the world, to create good-paying jobs while growing our clean energy economy.

As governor, I'll treat hard-working families with the respect that they deserve by being laser-focused on creating good-paying jobs with benefits and secure retirements; and expanding access to affordable health care.

What middle-income Americans want most of all is a job. We need a generous safety net for the most vulnerable in our society, but for most people the biggest social accomplishment that we can help them achieve is a good-paying job.

Every day, President Obama and Senator McCaskill are making it harder for working mothers and women of all ages to find a good-paying job. They continue to dictate to our families how they should live, stripping them of opportunities and freedom.

Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, it is clear that we've got big problems that we need to address, starting with making our economy more competitive so that we can create more good-paying jobs for the middle class.

As a candidate for Congress, I proposed a federal infrastructure bank to help local governments fund badly needed projects, including ones in my district. We need to repair and expand our crumbling transportation systems by creating many good-paying construction jobs.

I firmly believe a rising tide lifts all boats. I think having Airbus only grows and brings more attention to Alabama's entire aerospace and aviation industry. Listen, my goal is to bring good-paying jobs to our state and our region, regardless of what the company may be.

Latinos are concerned about the same pocketbook issues that matter to most middle class Americans - creating good-paying jobs in this country, making sure our children get a quality education, and ensuring that our families have access to affordable and quality healthcare.

Our great history has been that people came to Michigan because you didn't have to have a college degree to get a good-paying job. Consequently, we have got a larger number of our population that right now are facing outsourcing, et cetera, without higher or advanced degrees.

The bottom line is there are lots of problems that were not created by government. The biggest one is loss of middle class incomes, loss of good-paying jobs which was created by technology and globalization. Above all, when you can move a job to China or India, it reduces wages.

Prioritizing infrastructure will not only improve the quality of life of every Kentuckian, it will also make Kentucky more competitive for the jobs of the future in key growth industries like agritech and advanced manufacturing, while creating good-paying construction jobs along the way.

We have talented people, great businesses, and an unparalleled entrepreneurial spirit in Montana. By raising capital, Montanans can leverage those assets to start new businesses, expand existing ones, and create more good-paying jobs in Missoula and every other community under the Big Sky.

Here in Indiana and in many states throughout the union, we rely on coal to power our homes and provide good-paying middle class jobs - like the one my family relied on when I was a kid. The coal mine helped put food on our table and helped me pursue an education and realize the American Dream.

Ohio suffered, like a lot of Midwestern states, under the weight of trade deals that really diminished a lot of good-paying manufacturing jobs; a lot of the blue collar workers in the state are suffering, just like many of their counterparts across the country. I'm not terribly surprised that Mr. Trump won Ohio.

People are working hard, they're doing everything we ask of them, and they are still struggling. It's not enough to just have a job. We need to make sure that these are good-paying jobs that pay the rent and put food on the table. Jobs that have benefits like health care and that allow people to save for retirement.

So when folks talk about the deficit and leaving the deficit for our children, we will never get out of debt had this country until people get back to work, until they have good-paying jobs, and in between times, we will not move this economy forward until we are helping people be able to keep going in this recession.

This is about right vs. wrong - and focusing on our values of faith, family and hard work so we can help Kentucky families who are falling behind. While Matt Bevin cares about the special interests, we're fighting to improve public education, expand access to health care, protect pensions, and create more good-paying jobs.

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