My grandkids are amazing.

I have four children and I have seven grandkids.

I want my kids, my grandkids to have a great life.

My grandkids are everything to me. For me, family is all!

I made the grandkids laugh. John Madden finally liked me!

I am all into doing things that will be cool stories to tell my grandkids.

And one day our grandkids will ask us, 'What was it like to be a minority?'

We still have our home in Seattle. The kids are there. The grandkids are there.

I've got nine kids, nine dogs, three grandkids - and one in the oven. And three parrots!

I don't want to be 50 years old and not know what's going on with my kids and my grandkids.

I know the Trump family personally, his kids and grandkids, and they're a fantastic family.

I've got eight children, 10 grandkids. I have friends over all the time, and I like to cook.

I busted my bird for 60 years in the business, but my grandkids only know me as Mr. Potato Head.

Now, there's just so much imagery. Imagine what our grandkids are going to be able to see of us?

I thoroughly enjoy working with kids, whether it's The First Tee or the lesson tee with my grandkids.

It will be a great story when I'm an old man telling my grandkids that I was once the best player in the world.

With life and grandkids and the whole thing, every day is busy, but I'm so thankful to God that I'm still here.

To work hard. To open new doors for our kids, for our grandkids. To renew our spirit. That's what America is about.

We don't think of ourselves as a dynasty. I really hope some of my grandkids will be actively involved in politics.

It's not about me, it's about the grandkids. That's what a lot of people don't understand about what Herman is up to.

I want to be around to see my son grow up and to enjoy my grandkids, which means I need to make my health a priority.

I can tell my grandkids that I played with Drew Brees and Tom Brady, and Flacco will definitely be added to that list.

It's nobody's business how much I see my daughter or my grandkids, that's something personal that I care not to share.

There's going to be a point in time when I can go to a NHL game in Nashville with my grandkids. That's really special.

I have four kids, seven grandkids, and four great-grandkids. Maybe I can become a great-great-grandfather if I hang on!

When I'm 80 and sagging all over, I can tell my grandkids, 'Look, when I was a lad, 'People' magazine thought I was sexy!'

I am working hard to provide solutions to meet a most pressing goal: preserving our way of life for our kids and grandkids.

We hear lots of stories where grandparents go to a store and buy a smartphone so they can keep in touch with kids and grandkids.

On the Internet, it is assumed people are in business to sell out, not to build something they can pass along to their grandkids.

I can now video chat with my grandkids from any corner of the world, listen to music, or order food and have it delivered to my front door.

I care about America. I care about the people that can't find jobs. I care about my 20 grandkids and what kind of America they are going to have.

I'm a Southerner. We dream of having the family and the kids, and the parents want grandkids, that's all they care about, give me some grandbabies.

It's like, 'Wow. Yes, I had fun... but damn, was it really all worth it when I'm in a wheelchair at the age of 45 and can't play with my grandkids?'

Losing a parent is a hard thing... I often sit here and think it would be great if mum and dad were alive and had a chance to see their grandkids grow up.

Give me a strapless gown and a rhinestone-studded guitar and some 55-year-olds in my audience, along with their kids and grandkids. Don't give me 'boogie'!

I want to live 50 more years. I'm 33 years old... and I want to live to at least be 80 and see my kids grow up and see my grandkids. That's important to me.

Hopefully the new breed of kids won't have to go through that hard lesson - my kids, my grandkids, my fans' kids, hopefully they won't have to go through it.

I actually have grandkids. I'm at that age. And with all the things that go on in our country, I sometimes wonder what sort of world they're going to inherit?

It was an absolute pleasure just to be able to tell my grandkids, 'Yep. I Superman-punched Vince McMahon right in the face twice.' You can put that on my mantle.

'Hallelujah' is going to be a standard that our grandkids, our great-great grandkids will learn to sing in church. It's one of those really, really special songs.

I don't know what the outcome will be. I put a couple away for my grandkids, like that. So I don't know, who knows? Maybe I'll start building guitars for a living.

Hopefully when I make it to 80, I can go to a hockey game and watch the Predators and Capitals play with my grandkids. That's probably my legacy on the hockey side.

Make no mistake: Republican tax cuts for the rich will bankrupt our country - and it's the grandkids of the middle class who will have to pay it back. This is wrong.

Do I want Social Security to be there for my kids and my grandkids? Absolutely. Will I fight like a tiger to make sure that we protect Social Security? I absolutely will.

You can take the babushka off the Jewish mother and dress her up in a pair of Seven jeans and Marc Jacobs sling-backs, but she's still going to expect a passel of grandkids.

I have to be invested spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically to do theater. I can't do it to make a living. I have four kids, a couple of grandkids, and two mortgages.

My dream is to be World Lightweight Champion in the UFC. Have more money than I know what to do with. And have a great life for my kids, grandkids, and everyone in my family.

It was a scandal when I did French 'Playboy' in 2008, though I was never actually nude in it. I think it's really funny that I'll have a cover of 'Playboy' to show my grandkids.

I'm good at separating things. When I'm in my classroom, I'm totally there. When I'm at an event, I'm totally there. And when I'm with my grandkids, my total attention is on them.

John F. Kennedy asked us what we could do for America. This Democratic Party asks what can government give you. Don't worry about paying the bill, it's on your kids and grandkids.

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