Being a great company is the new brand.

The great companies get built by their founders

Individuals don't build great companies, teams do.

I think Yahoo is a great company, with great assets.

Truly great companies are built on ideals, not just deals.

The root of great companies is make meaning vs. make money.

A great company will have many once-in-a-liftetime opportunities.

Good companies will meet needs; great companies will create markets.

Great companies foster a productive tension between continuity and change.

Investing is where you find a few great companies and then sit on your ass.

Great companies don't throw money at problems, they throw ideas at problems.

If you are doing the right thing for the earth, she's giving you great company.

Great companies don't just have one founding moment. They have many founding moments.

We're building a great company, and we're very excited about the future of the company.

The great companies did not know that the line between hunger and anger is a thin line.

Great companies are defined by their discipline and their understanding of who they are and who they are not.

A tremendous chief executive in a small market will never be great. All great companies start with great markets.

I am confident that partnering my Dollywood Company with a great company like Gaylord will create something truly special.

We're enamored with the concept that there's always a price. But sometimes, your goal is to build a great company, not sell it.

Groupon looked like a very high valuation, but any investment in a great company at any stage is almost always a good investment.

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