Haiti has changed a lot.

Haiti is open for business!

Haiti is in desperate poverty.

Haiti looks like a bomb hit it.

Haiti kind of gets a hold of you.

Everything in Haiti right now is a priority.

It is the destiny of the people of Haiti to suffer.

Haiti is closer to anarchy than it is to anything else.

The rich are only defeated when running for their lives.

A silenced Haiti has once again found its literary voice.

I plan to be a part of Haiti's reconstruction and future.

I feel a special connection to Haiti and the Haitian people.

Of course, the humans in Haiti have hope. They hope to leave.

By most accounts, Aristide is the most popular figure in Haiti.

We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax.

I can't think of a better model for Haiti rebuilding than Rwanda.

I first went to Haiti in 1979. I've gone back every few years since.

I have a huge heart for Haiti and will tell the world how we can help!

The work that Partners in Health do in Haiti benefits the whole world.

Eruptions of talent continue to happen in Haiti, in spite of everything.

I am currently in Haiti to help the Haitian people in their reconstruction.

There has not been one day since I left that I have not thought about Haiti.

Some people talk about Haiti as being the graveyard of development projects.

Only, in Haiti, I realized, is it possible to drink rum and haggle with a god.

When the earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, I was on vacation in the Cayman Islands.

Vodou is one of the religions practiced in Haiti, a rich religion for the people.

I think that looking forward it's easy to imagine more constructive help for Haiti.

International aid as a means of development is a major failure, and not just in Haiti.

The future of Haiti must be linked to the respect of the rights of every single citizen.

The first time Haiti had free and fair democratic elections was 1990, when I was elected.

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere; some say the poorest in the world.

And the fact that Haiti was occupied for 19 years by the United States, from 1915 to 1934.

Where there is creativity there is hope and Haiti is the most hopeful place I've experienced

I agree with Bill Clinton that US forces should not be sent to Haiti, but not for his reasons.

I wanted to contribute my time, myself, my knowledge, my love, because Haiti is my everything.

I've wept for Haiti a thousand times over the years since my first trip during the Duvalier reign.

We've built six schools in Colombia and do work in South Africa and Haiti. We teach 5,000 students.

In Haiti you had the Duvaliers for 29 years and they were very well supported by the United States.

I would love to work with the artisans and take it to another dimension, the same way I did in Haiti.

Unfortunately, Haiti does not have many safe environments for children to play and express themselves.

Life's hard in Haiti right now. And the hardest thing is that the future does not lie with one person.

Dear friends of Haiti, we are indeed on the right track. Slowly but surely we are rising from the ashes.

I would want to make Radio Haiti as independent as possible, which means it can't be strictly commercial.

Haiti is not a world aside, a world apart. Culture and imaginations have always been part of our rebirth.

Whenever an earthquake or tsunami takes thousands of innocent lives, a shocked world talks of little else.

Without question, conditions in the Haiti are worse since Aristide's removal, and continue to deteriorate.

Without question, conditions in the Haiti are worse since Aristide's removal, and continue to deteriorate.

Even before the earthquake in Haiti, only half the country's population had a source of safe drinking water.

I have been curious about Haiti for many years. The history of the country is as fascinating as it is turbulent.

Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who's dating who. Scandal is 1.2 million people living in tents in Haiti.

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