Sometimes when you're in the storm, it's harder and maybe when it's over, then you can look back on it.

Most music that comes out of Holland is basically the harder part of dance music - hip-hop, drum'n'bass.

It's so much harder to make a living off improv. Improv is so rarified and for such a specific audience.

Nothing is harder to direct than a man in prosperity; nothing more easily managed that one is adversity.

I am stronger than yesterday and working harder than yesterday but don't know what will happen tomorrow.

Dear Internet: You are very good at spreading rumors. Truth is more valuable and much harder to come by.

If they're coming out full-steam, you come out harder. That's just how it is. It's the game of football.

The last thing you want to do is finish playing or doing anything and wish you would have worked harder.

I'm not sure I've ever been around anybody that wanted to win more or worked harder than Michael Jordan.

Can I throw harder than Joe Wood? Listen mister, no man alive can throw any harder than Smokey Joe Wood.

I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults.

I don't have to be smarter than anybody else. I've just plain worked harder and longer than anybody else.

The older you get, the better you have to look, the higher you have to kick, the harder you have to work.

It is much harder to become independent if you are wealthy than to become wealthy if you are independent.

It was already hard enough growing up in the Philippines but imagine being blind, that's 10 times harder.

The harder you grip the bat, the more you can swing it through the ball, and the farther the ball will go.

Cover this confirmation process with prayer. When they make it harder for us to pray, we just pray harder.

If you know you're supported, you're going to work harder, you're going to be more focused on your mission.

It would have been harder for me to get rookie of the year in Cleveland than it would've been in Minnesota.

Nobody works harder than Lady Gaga. Nobody. She is unbelievable. I don't know how she sleeps, or when or if.

One of my contemporaries, a colorless chap who worked much harder at his law studies, is now Prime Minister.

Every day I spend time on the treadmill. I am walking faster, stronger and harder than I was two months ago.

I've worked really hard, but I know people who have worked even harder but didn't have the chances I've had.

It's the journey toward doing these harder climbs that really gives value to the whole activity of climbing.

I prefer to break new ground, but it gets harder and harder with the territory that's already been walked on.

You know, a low budget, you have to work harder. You have to plan well; you don't have much time to rehearse.

There's nothing harder than going on TV and saying something that you don't believe. I don't do that anymore.

It's harder to pick and choose when you're dead. It's like a photograph, you know. It doesn't matter as much.

I always believe someone somewhere is working harder than me and that motivates me to work harder, give 100%.

He's working a lot harder than I am. I tell these people that we really appreciate what they're doing for us.

He kissed me hard and I kissed him back harder, like it was the end of an era that had lasted all of my life.

Take them off!” I told him, grabbing the front of his jeans. “Take everything off!” “I’m trying!” “Try harder!

I think fame is harder when people have something to hide, but I'm very comfortable, and have nothing to hide.

But no, I've just been very lucky. But I've worked hard, and the harder you work, the luckier you seem to get.

If it is hard to accept a rebuke, even a private one, it is harder still to administer one in loving humility.

When you have a passion for something then you tend not only to be better at it, but you work harder at it too.

I know that being an in-house person is much, much harder than being outside...that's why I've never had a job.

The longer it takes you to become successful, the harder it will be for somebody else to take it away from you.

But sometimes, it’s harder to admit to ourselves we want love in our lives than it is to keep living without it.

I know that war is very cruel and that life is harder when you aren't able to live in the place you called home.

Life does throw some hard stuff at you as you get older, much harder. But you are more able to deal with things.

People in Scotland appreciate homegrown talent, but it's getting harder and harder to get films made in Britain.

As you get older, as you become more sensitive, feel more, it becomes harder to make jokes. You censor yourself.

If politicians did care about their constituents, they would work harder to seek out people like me. They don't.

It's not harder to hear the inner voice when you're in a relationship, but it's more of a challenge to follow it.

I put so much pressure on myself. I'm my toughest critic. I always push myself to go harder than I did last time.

I've always been an entrepreneur, but it's never been about the money. I like a challenge, the harder the better.

The harder you work, the less mistakes you make. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your chances of winning.

It is an awful lot harder, Tony told me, to convince people you're sane than it is to convince them you're crazy.

As americans I think it's harder for us to have a relationship with opera because the access to it is so limited.

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