In our home, we serve mostly healthful foods.

Healthful whole foods improve our brain function as well.

I'm always on the quest for something delicious and healthful.

A healthful hunger for a great idea is the beauty and blessedness of life.

I like healthful foods, but I'm from the Midwest, so I like food that's been around longer.

Preferring healthful foods is a skill, and skills take practice and perseverance to develop.

I strongly believe that it's possible to conserve our heritage while making more healthful choices.

I entered the cosmetics industry because I wanted more women to use cosmetics made with safe, healthful ingredients.

The best diet is the one that can be sustained over the long term, combined with other healthful lifestyle behaviors.

There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads contact and communion with others however humble.

When people see the healthful impact this is having and all the hard hats constructing, their minds may change about high-speed rail.

I'm part of a healthful movement, and very aware of what I put into my body, and my body's upkeep. And that will lead you to exercise.

Christian sisters should not at any time dress extravagantly, but at all times dress as neat, modest, and healthful, as their work will allow.

No body can be healthful without exercise, neither natural body nor politic, and certainly, to a kingdom or estate, a just and honourable war is the true exercise.

Browsing our local farmer's market is one of my family's favorite weekend activities. Make it a relaxing, healthful habit for your family, and you'll reap the nutritional rewards.

The closer food looks to the way it is in nature, the better you can tell that it's nutritious, and a good part of a healthful diet, which along with exercise can promote overall health.

I baked bread, hand-ground peanuts into butter, grew and froze vegetables, and, every morning, packed lunches so healthful that they had no takers in the grand swap-fest of the lunchroom.

If you indulge yourself one day, you can eat more healthfully the next. To the degree you move in a healthful direction on the food spectrum, you're likely to feel better, lose weight, and gain health.

We help people to begin truly healthful diets, and it is absolutely wonderful to see, not only their success, but also their delight at their ability to break old habits and feel really healthy for a change.

The best diet for overall health, and specifically for heart, brain, and cancer risk reduction, is a diet that's aggressively low in carbohydrates with an abundance of healthful fat, and this is the central theme of 'Grain Brain.'

If I'm alone, I tend to cook for myself. I do a pretty good job of preparing healthful foods. My go-to is everything in a bowl like quinoa, avocado. Later in the day, scrambled eggs. I'm not a gourmet chef. I cook in bulk very well.

By the proper intakes of vitamins and other nutrients and by following a few other healthful practices from youth or middle age on, you can, I believe, extend your life and years of well-being by twenty-five or even thirty-five years.

The acquisition of an accurate and easy conversation, of some skill in music, and in pure and healthful diversions, are of great benefit in fitting one for social intercourse, in which one of the greatest sources of pleasure is found.

The reason people buy Kind bars is that they're delicious and they're healthful. If the product doesn't taste good, isn't the right price, or doesn't fit their lifestyle choice, even if it's made by Mother Teresa, it's not going to work out.

Basically, a bad breakup is never meant to teach you 'I'll never fall in love again.' It's meant to teach you 'Now I better know what makes for healthful, happy love - and thanks to this breakup I'm now better able to recognize it and snag it!'

Developing a diet that is healthful, balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience.

Increase your consumption of healthful fats like extra virgin olive oil, avocado, grass-fed beef, wild fish, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. At the same time, keep in mind that modified fats like hydrogenated or trans fats are the worst choices for brain health.

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