Acting is a bit of a heart and soul exercise with me. It's kind of all I've got.

Acting, to me, is about the incredible adventure of examining the landscape of human heart and soul. That's basically what we do.

There's so many other things I want to do. I don't want to do them to be different or just for a challenge, but because my heart and soul tell me to.

Genius of a kind has always been with me; an empty heart that has taken on a certain wooden quality; an excellent, strong woman's body and a pitiably starved soul.

It's not that I imitate him. I use a lot of what I feel. Even now, they refuse for me to stop doing James Brown. If it's something I can feel from the heart and from the soul, I do it.

Of all the soul divas, Gladys Knight was the one for me. Knight's always been about tone and heart, none of the big showboating or extraneous doodling. She nailed a melody and only played a little around the edges like Ma Staple.

Me, my heart and my soul will always be a fighter. I'm not comfortable with saying, 'I'm done. I quit. I give up.' That's the way I am, and that's the way I always will be. From the day I was born to the day I die, I am a fighter!

When you really put your heart and soul into something, the temptation is to try to be in control of circumstances, however you can, and looking and seeing how people are responding. But I realized, early on, that that was just not going to be a healthy thing for me to do.

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